Chapter Twenty Eight: Doomsday Prepper

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May's POV

"So she's Michelle?" I asked, trying to squirm in a spot behind a not-so-concealing bush.

Misty skidded aside for some room for me and took out a note from her pocket. "Yep. That's her alright. The committee's auditor." She put the piece of paper back in her pocket. "I can already tell we won't ever get along."

The girl we were talking about, Michelle, went inside a laundry shop right across the street.

"Just look at her," Misty grunted beside me. "casually doing laundry as if she owns the place. Bitch."

I do remember her from the time when we met in the pharmacy.

Excuse us but we don't have time to listen to your weird occult philosophies.

A vein popped in my head.

I immediately shook the unwelcomed memory off.

"So how do we take her?" I asked Misty eager to take this, as what she said 'bitch', down.

"Easy."She took out a mallet from her shoulder bag, an action that I, of course with utmost urgency, had to stop.

"Woah woah woah!" I held her hands down, sweat trickled down the side of my head. I cautiously looked around hoping no one saw Misty pull out Mr. Ole Wackoo. "I know you don't seem to like her but we don't have to come to this." Thank God no one saw us despite this bush barely hiding two highschool girls.

"Well if you don't want to hurt her to an extent that she'll faint from the pain how else are we gonna bring her to Dawn's house?"

My jaw just dropped.

I don't know if Misty heard herself, but it was like saying murder is okay and totally not illegal. Which I'm pretty sure is illegal and can be charged with lifetime imprisonment.

Or death penalty.

Which, by the way, are much more preferred fate than going to a party then have someone announce that I'm married and is now apt for death by burning.

"So what?" I turned to her. "We just go right there and wack her upside the head then drag her unconscious body back to Dawn's house?"

"I don't see a problem with it." She shrugged.

There are a lot of problems with it.

"I'm too young to be in jail so we are going to do this my way. 'Kay?" I declared.

"Sure."She complied and casually, and magically, placed Mr. Ole Wackoo back to her shoulder bag.

"Just saying.." Misty started as she raised a finger on me. "All I want is for us to be efficient about all of th-mmmhmhm...hmhm"

And I just clipped her mouth shut.

I honestly have no plan how to talk to her or persuade her to come with us. I absolutely need her to come with me but Misty's idea, no matter how convenient and fast it would make a deal out of this situation, still was not an option I was willing to take. I may hate her but not to an extent that I would drag her battered and unconscious body three kilometers to Dawn's house.

Appealing, but inhumane. Sad to say. I'm very humane. Even full of it.

Time was ticking fast, it was already late in the morning and we still got no captive of the journalist committee. And there were like seven or eight of them.

'I'm doomed!' I mentally screamed.

'Do I really need to take her the Misty way?'

Just as I was about to resort to my very first murder charge, an idea miraculously popped in my head. I can't say that this is gonna be a good idea, but it is certainly better than Misty's.

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