Sort of Short, Kind of Announcement.

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Hi guys. Holy crap! I don't even know what to say or how to start things off. But. HOLY. CRAP. Honestly I'm so surprised right now, my mind iz blown. MIND. BLOWN. But before any of this I wanna say that I'm so sorry for leaving this story for months, almost half a year? Not sure exactly. I'm sorry. I've been through a lot lately, you know, life. Really likes to give me lemons and I don't even know how to make lemonades.

This part will explain everything about the super late update on this story, of course I'll try my best without trying to make it obvious that it's all self-justification. Don't have to worry about the 'everything' part though because I don't think it will be long, holy shift I'm actually making this long smh. But anyway I just started graduate school by June this year, and when you commit to graduate school it basically means selling your life and you'd be like "Ha! Who needs saturdays when you can go to school early on it and enjoy writing long paragraphs about why plants have leaves and why can't we have them" and cry later on walking home. And also I'm a big depressive maniac, sometimes I just get depress and the fact that I have no reason to be depress depresses me even more. So with the whole school and depression thing going on, I went on a mental haywire. That's when the worst thing happened, I lost my USB. The USB which stored everything my life had worked so hard for, including the soft copy of this story and it's future plans, my other stories, etc etc etc. My world just apocalypsed. That USB was my whole life and that's the reason why the update for this story is delayed, I mean will be delayed even more. I have no other copies anywhere. I died more than just a little inside and I still am dying about it :(

And also I was hospitalized last month. Months prior to it, I got frequent fevers and I never knew why. Turned out I got TB and it got worse because I just let it took over my body. Wait, this should be the worst part, but to lazy to backspace so whatever. Anyway I'm already out of the hospital and taking my meds and will continue taking them for a couple of months more. I'm healing, slowly, but healing nonetheless and since I'll be making a prison out of my home I decided to come back to wattpad. I'm still wrecked about my lost USB but with the support you guys have been giving me with this story, it inspired me a lot. So fck yeah I'll be continuing this story. I just can't believe it got so many views! I'm blown away and I'm just so happy. The last time I opened it, it only had 2K views and now it's on a staggering 3.8K and I just can't believe how fast it grew. You guys make me so happy! *sniffs*

So for the next update, I can't promise when exactly but hopefully I can have this updated before the end of the month. Without my USB I need to refresh my memory about the plans I made about the plot for this and where exactly did I stop, I need to do a lot of prerequisite thingies. Big thank you again for the huge support!

See you all again in the next update! Chow!

Holy shift, it actually is long!


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