(Chapter 14) The End

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[I think I've killed my left ear, sometimes my hearing in it gets a bit muffled.

I blam my dad. He constantly listens to music at full volume. Now I do the same]

No one POV:

Tord leaned his face closer to (Y/n)'s then connected their lips as he closed his eyes. This sudden action caused (Y/n) to flinch but then they relaxed and kissed back.

After a while they parted and looked at each other with love in their eyes.

"(Y/n), will you be my red queen(title applies to all genders) and lead with me?" Tord asked holding (Y/n)'s hand.

(Y/n) eyes widened at the offer. Then they smiled.
"I would love too." They replied.

Both tord and (Y/n) smiled at each other then hugged and kissed once more.

{Time skip}

Tord and (Y/n) announced that they would be getting married and (Y/n) would be the red queen.

Everyone was happy for them and they had a huge wedding and celebration.

Tord and (Y/n) went on to take over the world together and make it a safer place.

They got their Happily ever after.


[I'm sorry this ended kinda short and rushed, but I just lost the motivation to continue with this book (and a lot of other things). But I didnt want to leave it unfinished, so yeah.

Hope you enjoyed this book]

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