(Chapter 11) Out

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[I'm in a state of 'school project deadline soon' panic]

No one POV:

(Y/n) had something around their front leg, so they wouldnt get away. O.L. turned to Tord with a evil smirk on his face. Tord looked at (Y/n) with dread.

"Its over Red leader. Surrender now, before all your soldiers are killed." He demanded.

"I'll never surrender, especially not to you." Tord growled back.

O.L. grabbed a staff, that made noise, from his back. He shook it and stamped it on the ground. It made a rattling noise, which didnt seem like much.

(Y/n) stopped attacking a red soldier, who was stuck against a tree, and looked over to O.L. their pupils were small slits.

Tord realized that they trained (Y/n) to obey the noise of the staff. O.L. shook the staff then pointed it at tord.

(Y/n) slowly looked at tord, then slowly approached while growling.

"What will you do now "great" red leader?" O.L. sneered glaring at tord, who was trying to figure out what to do.

O.L. left as tord was backing up into a tree as (Y/n) got closer. Tord looked for something to distract them.

1st person
Tord POV:

I needed to get (Y/n) away from me, but then i remembered i had a knife. I had noticed something on (Y/n)'s front leg. Maybe if i get it off theyll stop attacking us.

I was about to try and get if off when I heard an explosion. I came from the back of the building and I knew that the others had released the captives.

No one POV:

(Y/n) looked over as creatures of all sorts ran into the forest, some passing them. There was a girl with a hammer and goat legs, a girl on a cloud, and a few other weird people and creatures.

Tord took this chance to cut off the thing on (Y/n)'s leg while they were distracted. Tord took his knife and cut the leather part of it in half.

(Y/n) noticed tord was very close to them and was about to attack him, but then the thing on their leg fell off.

They looked at it on the ground then looked at tord. The looked like they were shocked at what he did.

(Y/n) POV:


Why did this human do that?

He smells familiar. Maybe we knew him at one point.

No. If we knew him we'd recognize him right. One of us wouldve recognized him.

We took a few steps back from him. Wait did he want it off so he could use me? Like they did?

We dont want to go through that again. We need to get out of here. Now.

We pinned him to the ground with one paw easily. His eyes widened. We then move our paw from his chest and roared in his face before running into the forest.

We took one last look at this human then started running into the forest with the other imprisoned people.

"Our main weapon is getting away!" That voice we knew. That voice belongs to the man that tourchered me.

He took everything from me. My memories. My freedom. My identity. Everything.

I turned around and this time flew into the almost night sky. I located the evil man, and then flew down and landed near him growling.

He shook the stick, but now I know nothing bad will happen. "Obey me. I am your master." He said panicked as i stepped closer to him.

"Stop. Stop! You're supposed to obey me!" He said as he backed into a wall. I just charged up my plasma blast. Then I shot him, killing him.

Tord POV:

(Y/n) had killed orange leader, and now they needed to get back to our base. I planned someone to tranquilize them so we could bring them back, so I gave the signal.

After they fell asleep we put her in a cage in a helicopter.


Everyone was back at the base. The orange soldiers fled after their leader died. (Y/n) was still asleep, we put them in a secure room in case they were still hostile.

Suddenly edd burst through the door "Tord! (Y/n)'s awake" he exclaimed out of breath. He must have ran here.

I immediately got up and followed him to where (Y/n) was. It was a room we made dragon proof I guess. We found some information about dragons in orange base.

There were a few soldiers outside the door and Amy was here too. I looked at her, she looked worried.

"How are they doing?" I asked looking at the door.

"They're still hostile. They also seem scared." She answered with a worried look.

"Have they changed form?" I asked a hint of worry in my voice. Amy looked to the side and bit her lip nervously.

After a minute the sighed and spoke "no, I..... I dont think they remember how to. They also dont recognize anyone either." She looked sad, her and (Y/n) had become good friends after they met.

"Dont worry they'll remember" I said with the most reassuring voice I could manage.

The truth is I wasnt so sure in my words. I then went in the door after grabbing something. A steak, but I put a syrum in it. Hopefully it could give (Y/n) their memories back.

(Y/n) POV:

I'm trapped again. I want out. I want to leave!

I hit, blasted, and bit the cage I was in, but nothing worked.

Someone walked in, it was the man who cut that thing off. He was carrying a piece of meat.

It smelled good. Really good. I was really hungry too. He walked over and set the meat in the cage.

I waited as he steped back a bit, then I went and sniffed it. I quickly ate it, it was really good.

The guy then sat down, so I did too. Both of us staring at the other.

I feel like this happened before.

[1019 words
I'm on vacation so yeah]

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