(Chapter 7) Amy

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[Yay motivation to do stuff]

1st person
(Y/n) POV:

Tord said something to them that I couldnt hear. He then motioned for me to come over. After a moment of hesitation I walked over.

"(Y/n) will you please go with pat and pau." He said. It wasnt a question, more like an order. I nodded and went with pat and pau.

They took me too a room. It was white and had a medical bed by one wall.

"Go sit on that bed" pau said as he pointed at the bed. I went and sat on it.

"We'll be outside the door if you need something" pat said in a voice that was softer than pau's.

They left me alone in the room. There wasnt much. A bed, small table, a plant, and a door, which lead to a small bathroom.

As I looked around I noticed a camera in one corner of the room. It was up toward the ceiling, so I couldnt reach it. There was a red dot glowing on it, i guess that means it's on.

Hmmm. Weird.

I just waited, sitting on the bed. Then the door opened. I looked over and in walked in tord, pat, pau, and a woman dressed in a white coat.

"(Y/n) this is Amy" he said gesturing to the woman in the white coat. I looked at her.

She had blond hair, which was covering one eye, blue eyes, and glasses. She was also very short.

"Hello" she spoke. Her voice was slightly quiet, but still loud enough to hear across a room.

"Hi" I replied

Tord went over to a wall and placed his hand on a certain spot. Suddenly a door opened. I went over and looked through it.

It looked like a lab or something, but it also had access to the outside world. I walked in and went over to the big window, which showed the outside world.


I havent been outside in a while. In nature. In the forest. All the sounds of the forest. The sound of water flowing, leaves rustling, birds calls, small animals running around.

The warm feeling of sunlight on my skin and scales. The feeling of wind rushing past me as I flew in the clouds. The peace I felt when sitting in the darkness of the night.

The adrenaline of running through the forest after prey. The softness of the grass and moss beneath my feet. Being able to take a nap in the sun whenever I wanted. The delicious warmth and taste of fresh prey.

The feeling of protecting my own territory. Protecting the forest. My forest. My home. The place I've known since I could remember.

The only thing I've ever truly know. The only place I felt completely at peace.

Everything. Everything about nature. Everything about the forest. I miss it.

I miss it so much. I've never been away from nature for so long. Away from my home.

I looked longingly out the window. I felt sad. I want to be in the forest. Not enclosed in a giant building.

Tord POV:

(Y/n) was looking out the window. They've been doing that since they walked in.

I looked at Amy "do you know whats wrong with (Y/n)?" I asked.

She looked over to them, then looked back at me. "Best guess is they miss being in nature. They are part dragon, and dragons shouldnt be stuck inside 24/7" she stated.

Amy was a animal expert and researcher. She could make a very accurate guess about what any of our animals wanted, so I knew she was right about (Y/n).

I decided we would do test outside today. I wanted to test their speed, powers, and everything. I wanted t ok know what they were capable of.

I told Amy to take (Y/n) outside and that ill meet her there soon. She nodded and took (Y/n) outside. They seemed happier. Amy was right.

I then looked at pau and pat.
"Grab a clipboard. You are to record the results of the test and observations" I ordered them then went outside while they grabbed the clipboards.

I saw Amy standing outside while looking up at the sky. I went over to her. I looked up in the sky, but didnt see anything.

"What are you looking at?" I asked looking at her.

"The second we got out here (Y/n) felw straight into the air. They were so quick. Disappeared into the clouds with in a few seconds." She said slightly souding impressed and intrigued.

"Huh." I looked back up and saw a figure with black wings. (Y/n). They were free falling.

I wonder how close they'll get to the ground before flying again. They kept falling, I watched closely. I could tell everyone was.

Soon they were just 20 feet from the ground. Then when they were 6 feet from the ground they spun, turned into their full dragon form and flew back up, causing a big gust of wind to hit us.

"Holy shit." Amy said staring at (Y/n) as they flew around. Now I knew she was impressed becuase she didnt cuss very often. Pat and pau were staring mouths open in awe.

I stared in awe too, which I almost never do. (Y/n) free fell back toward the ground, and like before spun, changed back into her half form, then landed gracefully on the ground.

"That was so much fun" they said with a smile. I looked at them for a second before Amy had ran up to them.

"That was amazing!" She exclaimed. "I've always theorized about dragons, and how fast they would be able to fly. Of course its a lot to calculate considering every wing span, shape, angle and the way the tail would play into the speed and balance of a certian dragon." She was walking around (Y/n) looking at them.

I never knew Amy was into studying dragons. I walked over to them and got Amy to stop pacing around them.

"What type of dragon are you anyway?" I asked with curiosity.

"I'm a night fury" (Y/n) responded. Amy gasped, causing (Y/n) to jump.

"You're a night fury!? I've only heard legends of night furys! When theorizing if dragons existed I heard how rare a dragon called a night fury would be. And now I've met one IRL!" Amy squealed excitedly.

"Stop fangirling Amy." I sighed facepalming

"Right sorry" she apologized.

I then looked at (Y/n) "(Y/n) I want to test your abilities, ok?"

"Hmm. Ok" they responded.

"Great th-"

"On one condition." They said with mischief in their eyes

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