Murderer 02 weird murder

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He said, he took out a slashing scalpel from his pocket.

"This way. I usually wear it, so I feel a very atmosphere."

After that, he turned and smiled.


Bai Yutang was silent for a while and turned his face to Zhao.

"In Chinese, explain to me what he said by the atmosphere."

    Zhan Zhao shrugged his shoulders, and there seemed to be a flash in his head, but he couldn't catch it.

He was confused.

He saw the door of the office being pushed open. Bao Zheng walked in and took several documents in his hand.

    The two exchanged their eyes tacitly - it seems that something happened.

    Bao Zheng walked into the conference room and glanced at the documents on the table.

He frowned and said:

"There are cases."

After that, the documents on the handles were handed over to Bai Yutang.

    At this time, other members of SCI also came in.

    "Black Fish, Lao Hong, Zheng Pei..."

Bai Yutang glanced at the document.

"The boss of the Western District, the second child of the Eastern District, the boss of the Southern District... all kill people!"

Everyone is a little bit screaming and laughing.

"Is it true that this murderer is a crime, or is it a crime for the people?"

    "The law of death is the same."

Zhan Zhao picked up a few photos and said,

"Look, the gun is on the wall...but it wasn't the nail that the policeman said yesterday, it's more like sticking on it."

    "This murderer did not know how to kill three gangsters."

Bao Zheng's expression is grim.

"There have been very uneven places in recent times, not to fight for a seat, or to fight."

    "But those gangsters will come to report the case, which is strange enough."

Ma Han smiled.

"Is this situation not half private?"

    "Probably because of fear."

Zhan Zhao whispered,

S.C.I.谜案集 Mystery Special Criminal Investigation Novel [𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖉✔]Where stories live. Discover now