Murderer 08 Doctor

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Gongsun did a simple autopsy and left the cell to talk to Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang.
'So?' Bai Yutang asks
'Cause of death is poison.' Gongsun removes his gloves.
'Poison?' Bai Yutang gives the prison guard next to him a look, 'How did he manage to find poison here?'
The prison guard looks alarmed, 'Impossible. He was in a straitjacket all the time when outside the ward and no one has gone near him.'
'Calm down.' Zhan Zhao got someone to sooth the agitated prison guard and turns around to look at Bai Yutang, 'Now what?'
Bai Yutang takes a look around, 'This is the special ward. It is completely enclosed. However, I took a look at the layout. Though the cells are isolated from each other, the walkway is connected. In order to get to Wu Hao's cell, you have to pass through the first two cells. However, the problem is ...'
Bai Yutang pauses and continues at Zhan Zhao, 'The folks here are all pretty peculiar. Time for your expert to do your thing.'
Wu Hao stayed in cell no. 3. There is only one staircase on this level. Therefore, in order to get to Wu Hao's cell, one must pass through cell no. 1 and no. 2.
Cell no. 1 holds a violent felon, Liu Chen, 39 years old. He has severe schizophrenia, mania and delusional disorder. But if the man in cell no.1 is a physical maniac, then the one in cell no.2 is an intellectual maniac. His name is Qin Jiaqi. He was a med school student who is only 19 years old, the charge filed against him is an assault on his sleeping roommate.

In the special visitation room, Bai Yutang is bewildered with the inmates' details.
'Tsk...Cat, it's amazing that you can still be grounded after dealing with all those people all the time.'
Zhan Zhao rolls his eyes at him, 'Most people have some kind of discrimination against those who are mentally ill. However, once they are healed, they can still be normal, just like someone who has recovered from flu.'
Just as they were talking, the room door is opened. A burly balded middle-aged man walks in, the full-body restraints give an indication of his dangerousness.
He moves slowly with his heavy restraints and seats opposite Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao. He looks up at them with his murky eyes and starts to laugh, 'You two are better looking than the stinky dirty policies I have been seeing.'
Bai Yutang feels that he is a little saner than Wu Hao, 'You are Liu Chen?'
Liu Chen nods and speaks before Bai Yutang could open his mouth again, 'You two want to ask about the dead guy in cell 3, right?'
Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang look startled after hearing his words. Liu Chen starts to laugh again, he continues, 'I saw a doctor walking past.'
'A doctor?' Bai Yutang perks up immediately, 'How does he look like? Have you seen him before?'
'Nope.' Liu Chen shakes his head. He leans forward and lowers his voice secretively, 'I can tell, he is not a doctor at all. I know all the doctors here. I have been here for 8 years, will still be here in the future. This is my turf.'
'How can you be sure he is not just a new doctor?' Zhan Zhao asks suddenly.
Liu Chen laughs again and points at his own nose, 'Different! Smells different!'
'Smells?' Bai Yutang repeats, intrigued.
'Yes!' Liu Chen nods his head in satisfaction, 'Everyone smells different.' He points at Bai Yutang, 'Police.' then at Zhan Zhao, 'Specialist.'
Zhan Zhao nods, 'Okay, what about the doctor? What does he smell like?'
Liu Chen settles into his seat grinning and points to himself, 'He smells like me — blood.'

After Liu Chen has left, Bai Yutang looks at Zhan Zhao seriously and asks, 'Are you sure he is crazy? I think he is more normal than I am.'
Zhan Zhao doesn't speak but instead stares at Bai Yutang for a minute, before finally saying, 'So you finally realised you are not normal?'
Just as the two of them are about to start a new round of bickering, the door opens and Qin Jiaqi from cell no. 2 walks in. He has gotten a much better treatment compared to Liu Chen. He has no heavy restraints, not even a straitjacket, just wearing a standard blue and white striped uniform.
He seems frightened, walks in and sits down carefully, before looking up at Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang timidly. When his eyes meet with Bai Yutang's, he seems to have been spooked and lowers his head immediately. After a while, he looks up again at Zhan Zhao, this time he seems less afraid and manages to smile at Zhan Zhao shyly.
Zhan Zhao smiles back at him friendly, relaxing Qin Jiaqi's tensed body slightly.
Bai Yutang was just about to open his mouth when Zhan Zhao gives him a look. Bai Yutang nods and closes his mouth, stands up to remove himself from Qin Jiaqi's line of sight.
'Qin Jiaqi?' Zhan Zhao begins to converse with Qin Jiaqi alone.
The departure of Bai Yutang seems to have relaxed Qin Jiaqi completely. He nods but takes a careful look at Bai Yutang who has his back turned near the door and lowers his voice to ask Zhan Zhao. 'Will... he gets angry?'
Zhan Zhao smiles, 'Don't worry, Jiaqi. I just want to ask you a few questions, and you will answer me truthfully, alright?'
'Okay.' Qin Jiaqi nods earnestly
'This afternoon, did you notice anyone special passing by your room?'
Qin Jiaqi nods again.
'How was this person like?'
Qin Jiaqi gets nervous suddenly and stutters, 'Sa..Satan.'
'Satan?' Bai Yutang turns around in surprise. Qin Jiaqi trembles in fear immediately. Zhan Zhao gives Bai Yutang a furious look, Bai Yutang raises his hands in apologies and turns back promptly.
'Jiaqi, can you describe to me how Satan looks like?' Zhan Zhao softens his voice.
'Erm...' Jiaqi nods, 'He, he wore white, hold...holding needles...walked past, really fast. Then he came back, and he...made a gesture.'
"What kind of gesture?'
Qin Jiaqi places his forefinger against his lips and whispers, 'Shhh...'

Before Qin Jiaqi leaves, he points at Zhan Zhao and says, 'Angel', then points at Bai Yutang by the door and adds faintly, 'Exorcist.' before walking off mumbling to himself.
After Zhao Zhao stayed for a long while, he saw Bai Yutang turned around and pointed to the door and said to him, "He is indeed not normal!"

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