Digital Murderer 02 Case

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The meeting was going smoothly, mainly to introduce the group members and explain their respective responsibilities. Subsequently, The director handed over a thick pile of information to Bai Yutang.
"These are all major cases that have not been solved in ten years. Take them to prison before they die."
When he finished, he turned and left, just before going out, he looked back and showed a meaningful look at Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang.
"You two, don't quarrel, give me good cooperation!" Finished, leave, and say that Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang's neck are cold and straight.
After Bao Zheng left, The serious atmosphere in the office suddenly eased.
Everyone is an old acquaintance in every department. Working together now, it inevitable to have a few words.
Bai Yutang waved and said: "First organize them separately, go to the conference room after half an hour!"
After that, Xiang Zhan Zhao gave a look, meaning "to enter the office," Then the two entered the office.
The structure of the S.C.I. is not complicated. There is a hall, Two offices and a more modern meeting room.
There is a desk in the hall. Everyone has one because most of them are criminal police in the field, So there are very few things.
two offices, Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao each have one.
Bai Yutang is relatively simple, According to his personal preferences. The layout is very elegant.
The most popular thing is Zhan Zhao Because of the profession, There are several bookshelves in his office full of books.and the information frame is full of various files. Lu Fanglai's face was busy and went away. Han Zhang, who is in charge of the intelligence report, has never even seen anyone.

Gongsun has a separate forensic room and several team members, right next to S.C.I, where there is the best equipment.
In fact, the 17th floor was originally a forensic room. In the past, it was a forbidden place where everyone stopped.
The first thing that Zhao Hu waited for here was the fragrant offering for Bodhisattva. Drive the yin, and lead the public. Gongsun did not carefully pull him to explain why he had to put the forensic room on the 17th floor and the top ten events that had happened on the 17th floor. Surprised, Zhao Hu screamed at his ear and shouted. "Brother is forgiving."
In the team leader's office, Zhan Zhao elegantly set his legs on the chair in front of the desk, looking up and smiling at the opposite Bai Yutang."Dead cat, see what!" Bai Yutang's many years of experience in combat tell him that when Zhao Zhao reveals this expression, he must pay attention.
"No." Zhan Zhao shrugged. "I listen to the instructions of the leader of the white team."Bai Yutang's face is uncomfortable. "You are less, old-fashioned, and you are not allowed to face me in front of the team members!"
"No problem! But when you go out to work, I have to go. I must listen to all the professional problems."Zhang Zhao opened the condition.
"Call...transaction."Bai Yutang sighed and nodded, and pushed the pile of documents to Zhan Zhao.
"This is yours, expert!"
"Why?" Zhan Zhao is anger, take half and put it back in front of Bai Yutang."half each!"
Bai Yutang grinds his teeth: "You know that I am most annoying to see this.

Zhan Zhao said "This is the responsibility of the team leader. You should first look for which ones are less difficult. First, break one or two pieces otherwise, S.C.I. will be dull. Bai Yutang explore! "
Bai Yutang was shocked: " Do you know what a pending case, If you break it, it will break which is not right."
Bai Yutang looked up and down at Zhan Zhao, With a smile: "I said cat, You are not right, Oh I see, I am positive, you are a deputy, can't figure it out, right? Zhan Doctor. "
Zhan Zhao also began to grind his teeth. Put the half-written document in front of him back in front of Bai Yutang.
"Hey! The villain is ambition, see yourself!
"You... good!" Bai Yutang screamed:"Whoever draws, who is who, who is the case, which is not solved?" said, from the pile of documents, I took out a copy, "just it. ......"When the words were not finished,
they were interrupted by a few knocking doors and looked up.
They saw Gongsun holding a folder in his hand and leaning against the door.
"The old cases are still waiting I have a ready-made one here."
Bai Yutang raised his hand: "Wait... call everyone together and go to the conference room."
Gongsun was amazed: "You don't listen first?"
Bai Yutang smiled: "no, I'm fine, Something worthless, is your Gongsun coming up? "
Gongsun satisfactorily took the lead and walked to the conference room.
Zhan Zhao in the back mumbled to himself: "What kind of flattering, thief mouse!"
Bai Yutang walked and made a big sneeze.

S.C.I.谜案集 Mystery Special Criminal Investigation Novel [𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖉✔]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora