Murderer 09 Sneak attack

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Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang finally walk out of the prison gate at twenty past ten.
Bai Yutang sighs loudly, 'Cat, can we trust the words of that two?'
Zhan Zhao shrugs, 'Both of them have a quite severe delusional disorder, but they didn't have the chance to collude their stories. So their words should be trustworthy.'
'So the killer is the man dressed as a doctor?' Bai Yutang says, furious, 'This useless prison. It doesn't even have security cameras in the walkway! If not, we wouldn't even need to spend so much effort.'
'The killer is very cunning. There are so many prison guards, yet no one has noticed him.' Zhan Zhao rubs his eyes, 'Let's think about this after Gongsun's autopsy report comes in tomorrow.'
The two walk down the stairs towards the car parked by the side of the road while talking. Just as they reach the road, Bai Yutang sees a flicker of light from the corner of his eyes. Something seems to be charging towards them from the darkness...
'Cat!' Once Bai Yutang realises it's a speeding car, he jumps up and pushes Zhan Zhao down, rolling forward. When he raises his head again, the vehicle has already sped past them and disappeared into the darkness. Although it all happened in an instant, Bai Yutang still managed to identify the car as the same black Honda that was stalking them this afternoon.
'Cat, are you alright?' Bai Yutang takes no time to ponder on this but instead checks Zhan Zhao under him for injuries.
'I'm fine.' Zhan Zhao stands up with Bai Yutang's help and sees that only his hands have been scrapped. 'What about you?' He looks at Bai Yutang beside him.
Bai Yutang pats the dust off himself and holds out his hands to show that he is fine. He reaches out to pull Zhan Zhao's hands over for a closer look and sees that they have been heavily scraped. He frowns, 'Let's go to the hospital first.'
'There's no need. It's just a small cut...' Zhan Zhao shakes his head in protest.
'Not up for negotiation!' Bai Yutang pulls him along.

After a simple treatment at the hospital, it's almost midnight by the time Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang return to the apartment.
Zhan Zhao sits on the living room sofa.
Silence...Silence...He finally couldn't hold it anymore and asks, 'Why are you in my flat?'
Bai Yutang who has been munching on an apple and reading the newspaper casually in front of him says, 'To protect you.'
Zhan Zhao stands up, snatches away his newspaper and apple and tries to push him outside, 'Who needs your protection? Go back to your own flat. I want to sleep for the night already!'
Bai Yutang grips onto the sofa, 'Hey! I am here for your own good! What if some psycho comes after you, you nerd would be dead before you can scream for help! If you end up dead, which is still alright, but my mum and your mum would knife me alive!'
'You!' Zhan Zhao is so mad that his nose twitches in fury, 'How do you know it was heading for me? You are such an arrogant person, who knows if you have offended someone in the mafia? Get out of here! Don't bring me into your troubles!'
One keeps pulling, the other refuses to let go...
The tug of war continued until half-past twelve when Zhan Zhao finally gives up. He is just an academic, but Bai Yutang was from the army. Turns out that the pen is not mightier than the sword.
First round, Zhan Zhao defeated.
'Cat, lend me your sleepwear. I want the one with Doraemon, not the hello kitty one.'
'Cat, I'm so hungry. Do you have any instant noodle?'
...More patience....
'Are you planning to use your fridge to hide bodies? Why is it so clean?'
...If one tolerates something long enough, something good could come out of it...
'Cat, do you have any movies to watch? I wanna watch a horror flick.'
Zhan Zhao who is trying to prepare for his classes has finally lost his temper. He throws his cushion at Bai Yutang, 'Go back to your own flat! Watch horror flick in the middle of the night? You are the freaking psycho!'
Another half an hour has passed by the time they are done with their pillow fight. Zhan Zhao grabs the Doraemon shirt in irritation and goes to shower. He takes a look back at Bai Yutang who is buried under cushions, 'I'm showering first. The one who showers later, clean up the bathroom!' ...A second round, Zhan Zhao wins!
By the time Bai Yutang is done with shower and bathroom cleanup and walks out of the bathroom in the hello kitty shirt, it's already 2 am in the morning.
The light in the living room is still on. Zhan Zhao is holding a piece of document, head tilted against the sofa, fast asleep. Bai Yutang reaches in to remove the paper from Zhan Zhao's hand gently.
Zhan Zhao seems to be deep in sleep. His breathing shallows, making him seems particularly soft. Bai Yutang sighs lightly, this is the only time when the cat is more docile.
Bai Yutang lifts Zhan Zhao by his knees and shoulder, tries with some difficulties to carry him into the bedroom without waking him up. He grumbles internally, 'Stupid cat, is his true form weights? Why does he look so skinny, but actually really heavy?' However, his footing is as steady as it can be.
He puts Zhan Zhao to bed, switches off the light, and goes to sleep.
Five minutes later.
With a loud 'Thud', Bai Yutang has kicked off the bed.
Bai Yutang leaps up to switch on the nightlight and gets ready to fight that cat, but....
Zhan Zhao is hugging his bolster, completely asleep. Except this usually graceful man has an extremely unattractive posture when sleeping and mutters in his sleep, 'Idiot mouse...hmm....third round...I win...'
Bai Yutang holding on to his pillow and feels a little like weeping...why is this happening?!

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