Murderer 10 The clue

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The next morning, Zhan Zhao who has been fully recharged and Bai Yutang who has been yawning walk into the police bureau together.
"By the way, why were you sleeping on the floor yesterday?" Zhan Zhao asks Bai Yutang curiously.
Bai Yutang holds back his fury...
They run into Zhang Long, Wang Chao and Ma Han who are carrying tons of paper at the entrance.
"Captain!" Zhang Long looks up and sees Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao.
"How was it?" The two of them help to carry some of the load and head for the lift.
Zhang Long shakes his head, "We have a ton of files. The victims are so different from each other, there's nothing particularly of note. But we brought back all the files. We will go through them in the next couple of days."
"Wang Chao, did you find those files in Wu Hao's place?" Zhan Zhao asks.
Wang Chao smiles woefully, "It was totally freaky. When we reached his place, the firefighter was already there."
"What?" Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang are alarmed, "Wu Hao's place was on fire?"
"Yep. It took half an hour to put out the fire. We went in to take a look, all the paper are gone."
"Only paper are all burnt?" Bai Yutang asks.
"The expert from Arson said it's obviously a deliberate fire-setting after taking a look at the scene. The main targets were bookshelves, cabinets and desks, those spots that are usually used to keep paper documents." Wang Chao shrugs, 'We searched the place afterwards. We found some paper pieces and some... paper ashes..." He shows Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang the inside of the box he has been holding, "This is a present for Jiang Ping."
Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao grin at each other, "These are enough for Jiang Ping to be playing puzzles all afternoon."
Exiting the lift, they head swiftly for S.C.I. office.
"Where did Zhao Hu go?" Bai Yutang takes a look around the office but didn't manage to spot Zhao Hu, "Anything came up with the black Honda I asked him to check out?"
"We've already found it, it's a stolen vehicle." Jiang Ping who had his head down in front of the computer looks up, "The folks from traffic unit just called, he went downstairs to collect the files."
The office door opens and Gongsun walks in with a dark expression.
Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang take one look at his face and know that he must have been in the autopsy room all night.
"How was it?" Bai Yutang hands his own yet untouched coffee.
Gongsun sneers and accepts the coffee, "The guy is a total psycho." He hands Bai Yutang the huge stack of an autopsy report.
"Guys! Meeting time." Bai Yutang calls everyone into the meeting room.
Gongsun first presents Wu Hao's cause of death, "The preliminary determination of the cause of death in the prison yesterday was by poison, as his heart stopped working under unnatural circumstances. However, I did not find any toxin in his stomach or blood, though I did find something else."
Gongsun pause for a second and continues, "Pethidine."
...? Bai Yutang and the rest look baffled, what?
"Demerol." Zhan Zhao frowns and gives Gongsun a look, 'It has a similar effect to the human bodies as Morphine. However, it is less effective than Morphine in term of pain relief and anaesthesia properties, only around 10% to 12.5% as effective as Morphine. Demerol is also a heavily regulated drug.'
Gongsun nods.
"Narcotics?" Bai Yutang stares at Gongsun, "Wu Hao has no drug abuse history, and if Demerol is weaker in effect compared to Morphine, how could it have caused his death?"
Gongsun continues to nod, "That's why to say this guy is a psycho." He pulls out another photo to show everyone, "This is the victim's left chest, look at the heart region."
Everyone gathers around and notices that near the top of the victim's heart, there is an extremely small red dot.
"What is this?" Zhang Long is confused.
"A needle mark." Gongsun answers.
"Oh, I get it." Bai Yutang looks at Zhan Zhao, "Cat, do you remember crazy no. 2 said the doctor was holding a needle?"
Zhan Zhao nods, Bai Yutang continues to ask Gongsun, "So the killer stabs the needle into Wu Hao's heart and injected Demerol into his heart?"
Gongsun pushes his glasses up with his index finger, "Yes. One shot of Demerol is enough for someone to die from heart failure within 5 minutes."
Glancing around, everyone looks dumbfounded.
Zhan Zhao picks up the photo, "This guy might actually be a real doctor."
"I think so too." Gongsun agrees, "Even if he is not a doctor. He must be in an occupation which can have access to this kind of controlled drugs. Plus the location and the way he did the injection, he must have been professionally trained."
The meeting room door slams open and Zhao Hu hurries in, "Captain, the report is here."
He hands the report over to Bai Yutang.
Bai Yutang opens the file; it's a registration form for a stolen vehicle. He reads it for a moment before his face hardens.
"What's wrong? There's something wrong with the car?" Zhan Zhao observes the change in Bai Yutang's expression and asks hastily.
"There's no issue with the car." Bai Yutang shakes his head, "Just that the location where the car was stolen is a little peculiar."
"Peculiar? What do you mean?" Zhan Zhao looks at him in a puzzled expression.
Bai Yutang turns around to fix his eyes on Zhan Zhao and says in a rarely used grave tone, "It was stolen near the north gate of University C."
"Cat, if I recall correctly, you go to University C to give psychology lectures every week, is that right?"
Zhan Zhao nods, "The north gate is just outside the psychology departmental building."
Bai Yutang closes the report, looking a little concerned, "The car was stolen at where you teach. It was stalking you all day yesterday. It tried to run you down last night."
Zhan Zhao smiles in resignation, "It seems...It is indeed coming for me."

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