Chapter 32: Filling the Emptiness

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Cole's POV

Nothing comes? Gasping for air, I breathe in as the weight of his foot is lifted off my body. An unknown male has Eric inches above the air, with his hand dug deep into Eric's chest. I heard the bullet though. Looking down, there's no wound on me at all, but blood. Someone's blood. Looking around, I roar, falling to my knees.

How could this happen?! She got hit. Rose. She stepped in the way of the bullet. Picking her up, I run, run for the pack doctor, run for her life, run for my life. Without her in my life, my life is worthless. She's the only reason my heart still beats. She came and she brought light to my world. She's my everything, and she's so strong. I admire her, I love her, but I failed to protect her. She did my job, and I refuse to be in a world where I can't be with her.

Putting all of my strength into it, I can feel the salt burning my eyes as I try to hold back tears and keep a firm grasp on hope. Screaming for the pack doctor, I collapse onto the operating table beside her, refusing to part with her for a minute. Without a word in my direction, I can feel the doctors and nurses rushing around, as they try and save her.

They have to save her. They will.

2 Hours Later

Somehow, they finished the surgery. She's safe, she's okay.

The doctor grabs my shoulder, nudging me to the door as the nurses take her vitals. "Alpha Cole, Rose is recovering. The damage missed her heart but it hit her lungs, although with her wolf's recovery rate, she will be okay. We don't know how long it will take for her to wake up, because of the traumatic event to her physical and mental state. We will do all we can, but she needs her mate by her side at this time. I would recommend to not speak of anything stressful in her vicinity. Stay strong Alpha, our Luna will be alright." Bowing, he brusquely walks away and leaving me in a tumultuous state. She's recovering, but suffering, and I can't do anything but watch. Sighing, Drew comes up to me with Damon in a wheelchair. As Damon nods at me and wheels himself into the room, Drew sits beside me.

"Councillor Trent, the werewolf official, killed Eric. He's finally gone. He said he had asked for Rose to join the council for some time so that she could train, but since they were delayed and took longer than they were supposed to, he blames himself for Rose's current state. He has some humanity, so he has relieved Rose from her duty and promise of joining the council for training, and leaves that to us for when she wakes up. Which she will man, she's stronger than she looks." Clapping my hand, he stands up, entering the room.

Come back, mate. I need you. As Damon and Drew leave, I walk into the room, slumping down next to her. As the sun fills the room, I can't help but remain entranced in her beauty. Even in this condition, my mate is beautiful. Inside and out. "Rose, I know I don't deserve you and I hate to see you like this, but I need you back. I want to take you out on a proper date, show you the pack, beg for your forgiveness for all the stupid things I'll do, marry you, just be happy with you. My life needs you, I need you. Us together, we're amazing. We barely had a chance, and we finally don't have anything stopping us. Come back to me. I can wait, I have patience, and I hate that you went through such a thing. He shouldn't have ever laid his hands on you, but he met his fate. I'll spend the rest of my life proving to you how amazing you are, if only you'll give me a chance."

Sighing, I hold her hand, ready to wait for whenever my sweet girl is ready. Even if that means if I'll have to wait for the rest of my life.

Suddenly becoming alert with a start, I groan as I feel a pain hit my heart. Gasping, I look at Rose, checking the heart monitor incessantly. It's beating, but the pain I felt was so bad. I had thought that something had happened. Brayden keeps whining in the back of my head as I hold her hand tenderly, suddenly realizing what had happened.

I had lost a part of me and she had lost a part of her. Rose had lost her wolf, the very wolf she had just gotten. The injury must have been so bad, that Rose's wolf gave up her life to save Rose's. While I'm grateful, I can't help but mourn for a part of Rose that has been lost, as I sit there worried and contemplating Rose's reaction.

I knew how much being a strong werewolf mattered to her, but I hope she realizes that I will always accept her and stand by her side. Through thick and thin, if she's a werewolf or human. I will protect her until my dying breath. I'm empty without her. 

Rose's POV

All I see is black. Darkness. I feel lonely, and cold. I really hope this shit isn't heaven or hell, because I would hate to be stuck here for the rest of my life. I remember taking the bullet for Cole and I can only hope that my mate is alright. I forgave him the moment all of this drama happened. Stress is a real thing, and he must have been going through so much at the realization that I was in danger. Next time, if there is a next time, I just hope he realizes that he can talk through it instead of getting angry. Now, I just have to find a way out of here. I can hear his voice, and smell his scent. Blinking my eyes, I can see a small, thin gold line and instinctively, I know that it's him. My mate.

Feeling my way down the line, I can tell something is off but I can't fix the problem until I get to him. I need him by my side, and he needs me by his side. I feel empty without him. 

Gasping, I push myself off the bed as I cling to Cole's hand, finally letting out a choked scream. 

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