Chapter 12: Challenging Camry

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It's like chaos erupts as a storm of fury whirls our way. This storm being one scary ass female. She looks beautiful, exactly like a barbie doll, and that is what is so scary. That should not even be possible in real life, she looks fake and plastic. The anger on her face is the only real thing about her.

"Camry, go and sit back down," Eric insists, but she refuses.

"I am your mate and we all know that I am stronger, prettier and better in every way than whatever this thing is. You're claiming this ugly piece of -"

"I would suggest not to continue whatever you are saying," Damon says. Wait, Damon? What the hell is Eric doing in all of this. What the hell? Is he actually staring at her chest?

No, wait, he's looking behind her. I reach over and see that he's motioning to some prison guards. No, I would not want my fate on anyone, no matter what they do, that hell hole is pure hell! I quickly jump off Eric's lap before he can stop me and move over to Camry. I poke her shoulder and she turns to look at me as I stare into her eyes. Challenging her.

She snorts before quickly pulling back a fist as she cocks her head. "You're on. Mutt."

That pisses me off. I'm not a mutt!

As her fist comes closer and closer to my face, I remember the training camp and the confidence I once had. I grab her fist, turn it around and push her against the wall with her arm behind her back, holding her tight. As I slowly add pressure onto her knee she becomes weaker and weaker, before she finally submits. I glare at her, turning around I stalk back to the table. My confidence suddenly withers with everyone's stares. I turn to dart out of the room when I feel someone grabbing my hand.

It's Beta Damon. It's shocking that he actually supported me in front of everyone when my own mate, who I have not forgiven yet, did not even think to help me. He's not doing much to help his cause.

A loud roar fills the room suddenly, interrupting my thoughts.

Bowing my head immediately, I start shaking. That had power. When I look down, I see that my hand and Beta Damon's is still interwoven. The anger pulsing in the air only becomes stronger as Beta Damon pushes me behind him.

Thud. Someone goes flying to the wall.



A/N: Thank you so much to everyone supporting me and giving this book a chance! It means so much to me! I never expected so many people to read, vote or comment. Every time I see that someone has enjoyed what I'm writing, it motivates me even more and keeps me going through everything else. Thank you guys! 

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