Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Hello, Penelope Park?" Said a middle aged man looking slightly more happy than expected.

"Uhm.. yes that's me." Responded the witch with beautiful dark curls.

"Hi, I'm Mr. Saltzman. I'm the headmaster here at the Salvatore School. I am so pleased to meet you and show you around our school. I'm sure you will fit in perfectly here. If you would just follow me" he turned and urged the young witch to follow which she did. As they entered the hallway, many eyes fell on the new girl which she didn't mind. Being the center of attention wasn't new for Penelope and in her case, it was definitely not getting old.

After the headmaster gave her her schedule she was on her way. First bell started in about 20 minutes so she figured she had time to kill. She went on her own adventure, exploring this new school. Once again, she got a lot of looks to which she responded with a few winks and smirks. She had this confidence about her which made her even more of the new hot gossip topic then any new gal before. No one could tell if she was nervous only she herself could know that. Even if she was nervous she promised herself she wouldn't let anyone see that. That is until she ran into Josette Saltzman.

And when I say ran into, I literally mean ran into. It was 5 minutes before first bell and Penelope was making her way to Mr. Smith's class when suddenly a door opened and a young girl with big brown eyes and wavy hair ran out, colliding with the new girl.

Both dropped almost all the items in their possession although the brown eyed girl had almost four times as many books in her hands.

"I am so so so sorry. I really need to look where I'm going. I really didn't mean to. And Oh my gosh I probably just made you late to class didn't I?" The bell rang.

Penelope smiled and chuckled "Probably but I wasn't really looking forward to history anyways."

The mystery girl looked down and took a breath. As Penelope stood up she offered the other girl her hand. She took the hand and pulled herself up. "I'm Jo-Josie." the shy girl said as she stared into the new girls beautiful green eyes.

"Penelope Park." She responded. "I'm new here and also right now I'm quite lost. Do you mind showing me where Mr. Smith's room is?" She already knew where the room was but the idea of this girl 'helping her out' didn't sound so bad.

"Sure thing." responded Josie with a bright smile on her face. She turned and led Penelope down the hall.

Dont worry y'all the chapters will get longer! I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry if there are any grammar errors!

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