Chapter 1

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{Story Start}

{Aldera Junior High; Rooftop}

If there was one word that could describe Senji Akari to other people, it would be wild. 

Wherever the monkey tailed girl went, destruction, chaos, and questions that should never be asked and would never be answered followed in her wake. She never really cared for rules and half the time does as she pleases, not really caring or thinking of the consequences that would follow. Most people, especially her fellow classmates, wrote her off as a delinquent, but this would be a false accusation, as she showed a lot of book-smarts for both general and heroic subjects, both were second only to one Izuku Midoriya, who she became fast friends with. She was smart for her age, she just didn't like to show it much.

Another word people choose to describe her with is noble. Senji carried a lot of pride and nobility, so much so that most mistook it for arrogance. When the girl sees someone in trouble she'd rush in and not think about the consequences. This led her to hating one Kasumi Bakugo with a passion. Her and the blonde had multiple encounters with one another when she bullied Izuku, who she nicknamed Deku. It wasn't just Izuku though, she once took on an entire gang of Yakuza, just for the sake of a girl who's name she didn't even know, even if she still lost she took down over half of them before she burned herself out, and she still thinks about that girl to this day.

Which is what she was doing right now on the roof. She had arrived early at school to have some time to herself, and to clear her head of some of the odd dreams she had been having. Senji looked at her phone clock to see that she'd probably be late for class, not that she gave much of a damn, since she already took her finals tests, and the she'd only miss her homeroom, 'Don't really feel like getting up from this spot, plus it's just Bakugo the queen of Douche-bags. I just wish I could've saved that kid from those jerks. And what the heck was with those masks they used? I've never heard of Yakuza that wear bird beaks on them.'

Senji sighed at her thoughts, before she heard the school bell ring that homeroom was over, so the monkey tailed girl reluctantly got up from her spot before making her way to her first period. All the while still thinking of what she could do to help that girl and take down those Yakuza, if she ran into them again.

{After School Ends}

Senji was standing near Izuku's desk, while said green broccoli boy was looking over the attack that happened soon after school started, "Hey, earth to Izu. Dude, are you even listening to me?" Izuku seemed to be knocked out of his thoughts and stared at the monkey tailed girl with a shy smile, "Oh sorry Akari, I was just caught up in the latest villain attack. It looks like All Might's still after him. It's odd though, itlookslikeAllMightisrestraininghisherotimetoonlythreehoursanditlookslikeit'sbeengettingworsedoesithavetodowithhisfightwithToxicChainsaworisitsoemthingelsemaybeapersonalproblem-" "Yo Izu, you're in mumble mode again." "Huh?! Sorry Akari, I must've got lost in my thoughts again." "Ah don't sweat it. And I've told you a million times just call me Senji." "Uh, right."

Before Izuku could put his Hero Journal away, it was yanked out of his hand forcefully, which made Senji frown in disgust, as it was one Kasumi Bakugo, aka the Queen Of Douchebaggery, having Izuku's notes in one of her hands, "So, what you got here nerd?" "Hey is that his diary or something?" Kasumi and her two dumbass lackeys looked at the book closer and saw the words "Hero Journal#13" written on the front, and started laughing at Izuku. What the two didn't notice was Senji growing more and more pissed off at their and Kasumi's antics, "You're seriously still trying to be a Hero?!" "Well, there's no harm in trying my best, right?" Kasumi looked at the book, before letting off an explosion in her left hand, before winding up to punch the notebook.

Before she could finish the punch, he felt a fist connect with her face, enough to send her to the ground on her ass. He looked up to see Senji with a smile on her face, which was contradictory to the aura of death around her, "Hey Bakugo, I think I was seeing things, but were you just about to torch Izu's book when he said to give it back??" Kasumi scoffed, but didn't say anything. Senji picked her up by the collar on her shirt, and lifted the blonde to her height, since she was taller than Bakugo by a few inches, and glared right in her eyes "You know Bakugo, there are Heroes that show potential early on and Heroes that work hard to get where they are. I've got a bit of an eye on seeing which is which, and honestly I can't see a speck of potential in you beside your Quirk." Kasumi got angry at that, before he lifted one of his hands, which was setting off explosions, and sent a punch right at Senji's face which she grabbed, not even feeling the explosions going off on the blonde's hand, before squeezing it to the point where you could hear Kasumi's  bones cracking.

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