1 • Of Cats and Dogs

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YIN yawned as she studied for her last exam this week

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YIN yawned as she studied for her last exam this week. "One more, Yin", she coaxed herself. But she definitely needs another dose of caffeine in her system. She stood up and walked to the counter, leaving her books and bag behind. This has been her go-to study place all term that she was more than comfortable to leave her stuff unattended.

"Another spanish latte with an extra dash of cinnamon?" The cheery (and cheeky) barista said. His name tag says "Ranger", very befitting for someone as strange as him.

"Yes, thanks." She said blandly, but she was guilty of being too predictable.

Yin moved to the waiting area. She subtly watched the barista entertain another customer, with a wide smile obviously. I wonder how it feels to smile all the time, she thought. Yin would never. She hates small talk and overly cheerful people. It makes her uncomfortable as it overwhelms her in a weird way. Was she just used to her no-fun, uptight family?

After a minute someone yelled "Spanish latte for Yin!" so she got her drink and hastily went back to her spot.

Yin dreaded her final exam in Political Science this term as it was her attorney grandpa teaching it. Good thing she planned an all nighter tonight, or Poppy would berate her for doing just an average work. Yngrid Quirino Palma, you can do better, Poppy always says, calling her by her full name like she wasn't his granddaughter.

A text popped up and it's from her brother Theo. "Yinyin, sorry group meeting got extended and I'm running low on battery. Meet you at the lobby at 10." To which she replied, "OK. Still at coffee shop anyway."

Normally it would annoy her for his tardiness but she wants to be on Theo's good side so she can sleep over all the time, not just weekdays. He is just a year older, but she never really thought of him as an older brother as they grew up together. Probably closer to twins. Besides she's more responsible in a lot of ways anyway. For example the spare condo key he was meaning to give her has been lost inside the condo for months now. Either it's his messy lifestyle or he just doesn't want her hanging around when he's not there. Hence, she has to wait for him at the lobby every time he's out. But not that it's a big deal anyway as long as she stays here on weekdays and hopefully weekends. Thank goodness for school works, she always has an alibi to not go home so her parents doesn't question her absence much.

* * *

All the distracting overthinking made Yin read her lecture notes all over again. By the time she was finished it was almost 10pm. She missed dinner again, but she's still full from drinking three cups of coffee since lunch time. She'll be on the clock as planned, adding the 5-min walk to the building. She gathered her stuff and hurried outside.

Unfortunately she didn't factor in the rain. She remembered her mental note this morning that she forgot her umbrella in the condo when Theo borrowed it. If only she didn't have her laptop with her, she would make a run for it. She tried calling Theo but remembered his text earlier. Maybe she should start bringing her car too although the condo is only 5 minutes away. Should she wait until this stops or—

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