James Dean and Aubrey Hepburn

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A/N I am highly obsessed with the song James Dean and Aubrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens. I don't know why but I am. WARNING!!!!!This chapter might piss you off. I know none of the boys would actually do this.

-Kiarah :)

Luke's POV

I woke up with a bounding headache and the sun shining in my pained face. I groaned and laid back. "Good morning Luke." My eyes shot my eyes open and I saw the girl from last night. Catherine. "Um good morning." I wonder what we did last night. I groaned and got up and saw our clothes on the floor. Damn did we?

Catherine sat up and began to pull on her clothes, something I should be doing. I slipped on my boxers and a shirt. I walked out of my room and went next door, everyone was having breakfast and being quiet. "Morning guys." I spoke up.

"Hey mate. We heard you having fun last night." Calum winked at me, the other guys joined in. I chuckled. "I guess mate. I was bloody wasted last night. I don't remember anything." I honestly don't remember anything besides the fact that I left with Catherine. But that's it. "Why is it so quiet in here?" I asked. They all looked at Allison. She looked miserable. She was sat on the couch and her hair wasn't done, her natural glow now gone. Sweat pants and a hoodie was what she was wearing and she just seems quiet. But why should I care?

Because you love her.

My brain was right. I do love her.

Allison's POV

I didn't bother to get dressed today or even do my hair. What's the point? I hurt Ashton and Luke. But Luke slept with that girl yesterday. I guess I shouldn't be mad, we aren't even a couple. The guys have been ignoring me as if I am invisible. It sucks knowing nobody wants you around.

Then the girl walks through the door and she looks like a freaking Goddess compared to me right now. She smiled and introduces herself as Catherine. Everyone seems to love her, they are laughing and joking around. Then I am sat here by myself.

I am done playing the sob story. It's time to move on like Luke has. I need to get out and do something instead of moping around. I got up and went inside my room and closed my door. I planned on going out and exploring the world.

I opened my suitcase and ran the shower. I pulled my hair into a bun and took of the depressing clothes. I sighed when the hot water hit my fragile skin, healing my used to be broken heart. I washed my body and turned the water off. I wrapped a towel around me and then I began to brush my teeth.

After I proceeded to my suitcase and pulled out a blue strapless, floral print dress. I slipped on my panties and bra and then my dress. I smiled as it went down my skin. I pulled out silver strapped sandals. I applied a little mascara and my red lipstick. I plugged in my curling iron and curled the ends of my hair. I smiled in the mirror and unplugged the curling iron. I have got my glow back. And it feels damn good too.

I opened the door and everyone stared at me. I just gave them a smile and grabbed my phone and wallet off the table. "Bye guys." I smiled. "Where are you going?" Harry asked. I turned and smiled. "On an adventure. See ya." I closed the door and walked down the hall, towards the elevator. I pushed the lobby button once I was inside and waited to hear that familiar ding. The elevator doors opened and I heard girls screaming outside and paparazzi taking pictures. One of the security guards helped escort me out the building. I signed autographs and took pictures.

I then squeezed through everyone and made it into the cab. "Where to?" The taxi driver asked. I sighed. "Anywhere." He smiled and nodded. I looked out the window and saw the trees and people on bikes. Couples holding hands, the sound of horns, dogs barking. Los Angeles is quite a busy city. My phone chimed.


It was from Zayn. I ignored it and turned off my screen. I saw a park and I wanted to just sit and think. "Can you stop here please?" I asked as the car came to a halt. I gave the man $20. "It was only $10." I smiled. "Keep the change." He nodded and waved me off. The security guard was by my side as I walked and sat on a bench. I took a deep breathe and let my skin soak up the sun. "You know my mom once told me that it's just a funny thing that we will get over." Sam the security guard said. He was right. This is just a funny little speed bump in life that I shall overcome.

These girls noticed me and they took out their phones. "Hi Allison. Can we have a picture with you?" One with pink hair asked. I nodded. "Of course." Sam took her phone and snapped the picture. The next girl did the same. "Can we take a silly one for my Twitter icon?" She asked. I nodded. I crossed my eyes and scrunched my nose. She pulled her mouth and Sam took the picture. "Thank you so much." They squealed and walked off.

I began walking and then this cute little dog ran up to my legs. "Hi. You are so cute. Yes you are." I probably looked stupid but I don't care. Then a guy walked up. "Milly. I'm so sorry about my dog. She got loose." He said. Oh his voice was deep and it was sexy. "No it's fine. She's adorable." I brushed my hair out of my face.

"So why are you by yourself in the park?" He asked and we began to walk and talk, with Sam close behind. "Just thinking." I said. He chuckled. "Seems like you are trying to escape something." Damn he was right. Am I that obvious? "You know whenever I try to clear my mind, I go to this little shop by the beach and just listen to the waves." He let Milly and looked at me. "Maybe I could take you sometime." He smiled and showed off his pearly whites.

"Wait. I don't even know your name or how old you are. You could be some serial killer or someone you escaped from an asylum." I folded my arms and waited for an answer.

He chuckled. "Well I did just get out of asylum." Really?

"Kidding. But my name is Connor and I am 19 years old. I am in the performing arts school here. I dance and I love doing it. People say it's girly. I just say they don't understand." He said. Wow a dancer. I have never actually seen a male dancer in real life. It's kinda cool actually.

"Hi Connor. I'm Allison and I'm 17 years old. I am a singer and I am currently on tour with One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer." He nodded his head. "That would explain the guy behind us huh?" We both laughed and I nodded my head.

"So Allison since I am not an escapee from the asylum, will you allow me to take you to the beach shop?" He looked nervously confident.

"I have to think about it. I still don't know if you aren't a serial killer or not. Tell you what, come to our next show tonight and if I see you I will go. Deal?" I asked.

I stuck out my hand.

He smiled. "Deal."

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