The Past still haunts us... Chapter 15

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Encre's P.O.V (Flashback where Encre is a small child) 

It's so quiet...the small house I acquaint...where's my brother?

I sat on the tile of the kitchen as I colored on a paper. Brother always told me to never loose my artists hand because it's a gift I should cherish....but all I can do is draw....

I was drawing what I thought mom and dad would look like...would they be tall? Short? Maybe they were as cold as this floor? I should just draw what I wish them to be....if they could be here.... 

My brother worked in the fields of the villages because out of the nobles and the monarchy that we held, the villagers were still the lowest class and it will probably never change. Brother made sure we had food on the table...clothes and shoes on our feet...and kept up with paying rent for our landlord....I want to help him....

People in the village would whisper about us because we came out of nowhere...just appeared and tried to add ourselves but they didn't like us...

Brother said it's because we're different but I don't feel different...I see the other village kids and they play...laugh...and they play with each other...I want to do that too....but they never look at's like I'm the plague...

We will stick together, is what my brother says, we understand one another and they will never understand....but understand what?...maybe I don't understand...

I woke up and like always my brother wasn't there but he always leaves a note on the table....this morning he didn't but maybe he just forgot....I will see him in the afternoon unless he finished early....

I listen around me but all I can hear is the ink on the paper as I continue with my doodle...everyone doesn't like me but they like my art...I've seen it...I'll be in the grass painting and the villagers behind me always marvels at it but when I turn around they look away...

What makes me so different?

Do I speak funny...? Walk funny...? Maybe I look funny...?

I try to always shake those thoughts out of my head...maybe it's my imagination...Maybe they don't understand what I see...I see colors...a variety of them and each one holds a purpose...a purpose I have yet to know but it's like I can feel them...when I paint I can feel the lights and the shadows of things...the emotion in what I make...I know how to make people smile...laugh...and cry...but they try to hide them...

What does everyone hide...?

Slowly, I stand up from the ground and look over my new piece...Mother looks more like nose but Brothers and I's eyes...I have her figure...Brother is more broader like Father...what is it like being a family...?

I sigh and drop the paper till I watch it float to the ground...I always worry for my Brother...he seems even more restless each day but I don't understand...why couldn't everything be carefree like the wealthy...? They don't worry about much...but what about the woods...? What if Brother and I lived in the woods and never had to worry again...? 

I looked down at my feet...Brother said those woods are dangerous to us...but what is dangerous..? I want to find out...I want to see what I can find because it's better than living a life where we're not accepted...maybe whatever beast is out there will accept us because we're them...maybe they will understand what I do not...maybe they could be our family...?

Whatever family is...

-Hey guys!! Sorry about the long wait but I've just been so busy and now I have a cat that was once a stray, so much work, and had to go to a funeral last Saturday. Life is just so crazy right now but sometimes that happens. I know I said I would have made a chapter a while ago but then the cat came up and I ended up working every chance I got to take her to the vet. I hope you all understand. Other than that, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and I shall see you all in the next chapter!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-

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