Plan B Chapter 17

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Fallacy's P.O.V

A heavy sigh fell from my mouth as I ran my hand over my tired face. I knew my eyes still emanated my blood red glow and I could feel my body slightly trembling from anger.

Tyrince ushered Encre out and to one of the near by bathrooms while I stayed behind to recollect myself. Why...why can't I stay in control...

My fangs bared viciously as I gripped the edge of the table dangerously. I was too tired to think straight because I've been staying up for the past few days watching Encre. I've been absolutely terrified that someone would try to snatch her under my watch and I don't trust her with anyone else anymore.

I need to stay with her.

My eyes closed as I took in a deep breath. She can't go down to Italy. We never got along hence why I held no connections to that kingdom. Encres brother might know them but they'll know she's my wife.

Breath...just breath...

I sat down and let the table go, but it held damages from my nails piercing and tearing at the wood.

Soon enough I ended up following the two, my torn cape gliding behind me. I never changed my clothing and so blood splatters were seen everywhere on the old cloth. My senses were still on high alert but when I got to the bathroom and heard my wife sick in the bathroom all my anger faded into worry.

"Encre? May I come in?" I asked as my knuckle tapped the door.

There was no response and I didn't intend for her to respond since she was still hurling. I pushed the door open and approached Encre who was sat on the floor, a pink flush on her lips, and her eyes watery. My heart ached when I saw my love not staring at me but the toilet right before she hunched back over the bowl, hands gripping the sides.

Tyrince held a glass of water in his hand and the other held a towel, "It's okay, let it all out."

I crouched down besides her, "How are you feeling, love?"

Her eyes turned to me and she chuckled, "Amazing, best I've ever felt." Sarcasm oozed into her words before she was back over the toilet.

My hand ran up and down her back while the other pressed itself against her forehead. I grimaced when I felt her burning temperature and knew that my plans for keeping her safe would be thwarted.

"She's burning..." I spoke and looked to her brother, "I'm going to take her home to rest."

"But what happens if-"

"I'm going to make a few calls." Once again I felt possessive, "You don't have to worry about it."

This time Tyrince was quiet as I continued to take care of Encre. After the episode we were going back home. Tyrince had her wear a coat that were for one of the courts, elegant but warm, and I only held her and the baby close. At this point we were both standing at the gate entrance of the castle staring at each other as if it say something but neither wanted to speak.

Encre was sleeping in my arms, breathing heavily through her mouth, and weak in my arms.

"The doctor said it's just part of her pregnancy. She should be better again in good health soon."

I nodded but still didn't want to speak. If I spoke then I'd snap from my sleepless mind that was still scattered in too many thoughts.

We made it back home safe and Suave was there at the door as if he were expecting us.

"Welcome home my lord." He bowed with an arm behind his back and the other against his chest as he held the door open, "Your bedroom is clean and I can fix food for you and the lady."

"No need." I walked through the door with Encre, "Encre is sick and all I want to do is get her to bed."

Suave closed and latched the door, "I understand my lord."

The castle seemed quiet and empty as I stride through the halls and into the master bedroom. As suave said, the room was spotless and clean. Thankfully the bed was made and a glass of water sat at the edge of the nightstand. I put Encre to bed and tucked her in but....I couldn't move my eyes from her.

Hours must have passed as I just stood over her. I was scared that if I left then something would happen to her.

My eyes widened when Encre shifted against the sheets and her hand reached out. I simply watched her small hand come towards me before her fingers curled onto my sleeve.

"Sleep with me..." she mumbled right before her hand fell as she fell back to sleep.

"How long are you going to stand there Suave?" I didn't move nor take my eyes off of my wife.

Suave smiled, "I felt like you needed me."

I huffed, "Indeed. Call Alpha Reds pack. I want to negotiate with them."

I ran my finger against Encres cheek as my facial expression softened as if all my frustration melted away.

"Of course my lord."

- Hey guys! Here's another chapter for you all ^-^ and I know it's not much but I work a lot and I have a bunch of homework. I'm currently working to be a CNA and I still have to study for some things before heading to bed. Please understand that publishing chapters may vary depending on what comes up. Don't always expect me to do chapters at 1 am in the morning because I'm human and need sleep :P Anyways! I love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter! Byeeeeee-

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