Craving the Kill Chapter 10

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May Trigger Some Readers So Beware! (Violence)

Fallacy's P.O.V

"Father! Watch out!" Jasper yelled as I turned and grabbed a vampire by the collar before plunging my hand in it's chest and ripping out it's heart. I dropped the body as it turned to dust like all the other but to my dissatisfaction they just kept coming, taunting my son and I, a disgrace to the vampire race. 

I clawed another's throat and watched the blood spray in the air before he too fell. 

This has been going on too long and I was beginning to grow tired even as the fellow kingdom fought furiously to defend their people and villages. I came to fight along side only because the king is now family to me. 

Tyrince fought side by side with his men as he raised his sword to a vampire and slashed it efficiently. Blood splattered to the ground of dark crimson. Everything was red; the ground, the tree's, grass, gravel roads, and growing crops. I was glad I put Suave in charge of Encre where she would be safe in the castle grounds. 

I quickly dove in front of my son as I clawed a Vampire who tried to get a drop on him which now had it's head in my hand. I held it by it's hair but dropped it to the ground without emotion. These were rouges and nothing more. They betrayed their kingdom and was banished. I warned them what would happen if they were to come back, but I didn't banish this many. They must've formed their own kingdom and that was my fault. I should have just killed them once they became traitors to the crown.

"Fallacy!" I heard a feminine voice shout as all the rouges lifted their head.

A few of them grew malicious smiles as other let out a cruel cackling laugh and erupted to the skies. My eyes were glowing a bloody red as I finally registered who's voice that was.


"Call in the mutts and tell them to follow the trail of the rouges. Tyrince's men will tend to the injured." I quickly instructed as I took off to the skies with the rouges and tried to pin point where I heard my love's voice. 

I was craving the need to spill whoever's blood was holding my wife and my unborn child, and whoever it is won't be given a swift kill. My wings were bigger, more efficient, and quicker than most. I held generations of royal blood that is dangerous to many. And very dangerous to those who try taking Encre from me. 

I focused and spotted a vampire carrying someone and I immediately knew who it was. The small, feminine figure he held who had a baby bump peeking out of the cloak she wore. No doubt it was Encre and I was going to take pleasure in killing this rouge nice and slow. 

A smile formed on my lips as I thought back to all the rouges who were gifted a quick and easy death. This one will be different. My wife splayed a mark given by me on her neck and if this Vampire failed to see it or just didn't care doesn't matter because once a vampire lays an unwanted hand on her their dead. 

I rose up in the air before diving down like a hawk spotting prey. My wings folding for the arched dip to raise my speed until I was directly above him. My eyes glowing even brighter from the adrenaline of the need to kill. The thought of killing this Vampire who dared touch my love who is mine. 

I let out an enraged hiss before he snapped his head to me in alarm and tried to dive closer to the ground. He was trying to zig zag and slither maneuver but it wasn't going to work on me. I was much quicker.

I grabbed him by the collar as I let him go to scoop my wife out of this Vampire's arms. I held her close against me as this rouge stumbled with his wings for a few seconds before regaining his composure in the air, but I wasn't done with him. 

My fangs extended to a dangerous length as I let out another enraged hiss and grabbed him by the throat, my fingers digging into his throat as he let out a startled choke.

"What made you think taking my wife was a good idea?" I snarled as my fingers dug even dipper into his flesh and blood began to trickle.

He wasn't able to answer because I was crushing his windpipe and possibly his vocal cord but I didn't care. I didn't want an answer because he would be the warning I give the rouges. Even if I have to I'd find the rouges' hide out and drop his body at their door step.

Without a second thought I heard a pop that was followed by a crack before the vampire went limp in my hand. Slowly, dust began to ride up his body until he was nothing more than scattered specks.

My eyes were still blood red and all I felt was possessive and dangerous like a predator who will do anything means necessary for their mate. 

Even kill.

-Heys! So this chapter got a little more gruesome and darker than expected but whateva! Other than that, sorry for the slow update but I've been studying for my finals and getting my work schedule around. I work practically every day on break so don't expect many chapters. Other than that I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I shall see you all in the next one! Byeeeeeeeeee-

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