What to do? Chapter 5

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Encre's P.O.V

Fallacy was a burning rage when we made it back to the Castle. Red was trailing behind us slowly and painfully while he fought his thoughts swarming in his head.

The doors to the castle opened smoothly as Suave's head popped out, "Greetings my lord. Did you find what you were looking for?"

Fallacy's eyes still glowed under the darkness of the cloak as he growled in response, "I did find what I was looking for and she's in trouble."

My gulp was audible and I saw something in Fallacy's eyes flash. Red pawed his way behind us until he decided to form back, "You're being a drag." He said through a muttered breath.

Fallacy ignored him as I was dragged into the castle. As Fallacy yanked me he was still making sure I didn't fall or hurt myself in the process. Red was lingering his way into the kitchen probably from the munchie's werewolves tend to get and I didn't mind. Fallacy dragged me into his room that was up the stairs and along the far side of one of the many hallways that slithered through this place.

"What were you thinking?" Fallacy hissed through clenched teeth while he took off his cloak and threw it on the bed.

My legs shifted uneasily, "I wanted to go outside in the daylight..."

Fallacy noticed my discomfort and all the red rage melted down to his normal glow, "But you were without protection."

"I was with Red." I told Fallacy in hope of backing myself up on this one, "He can protect me."

Fallacy let out a sigh as his hand went to the back of his head like he was unsure what to do in this situation, "Encre," He began with a sigh as he sat down on his cloak, "I worry for you and it was hard to worry about you by yourself but with our child that feeling is ten times worse." He tried to speak reason to me but I wasn't sure if it was going to work. I was stubborn already and now I was trying to defend my case, not his.

"But Fallacy, I'm an adult. I should be able to make my own decisions as well. You can't dictate me." I poked him in the chest and he looked at me with shock and I felt a sudden wash of satisfaction. Good, I've shocked him. I began to talk again, "I know I have our child inside me right now but I know how to protect them. I know how to defend myself and I know how to make logical decisions. I'm not a child running rampage out in the forbidden forest."

"You kinda are..." Fallacy mumbled under his breath and I wasn't sure if I quite caught that.

"What was that?" I asked with my hands now on my hips.

"Nothing." He quickly said and I only narrowed my eyes.

So this is how he wanted to play this game. He wanted to play it the hard way. Well I'll show him hard.

I slowly walked towards him as he hunched himself with his shoulders slouching downwards in a defeated stance. My finger went below his chin as I lifted his head to meet my gaze. It's my turn now and I wasn't going to go easy on him.

"Encre? What are yo-"

I stopped him in mid-sentence as my mouth found his and he slowly accepted the sudden kiss. His hands found my arms as he held me in place and his mouth began to press harder against mine. A flame inside me sparked and I knew that I'd have to stay in control or else I might lose this fight to him. I did my best to not allow the heat inside me to grow but it was hard when all my attention was on him. I lowered myself into his lap and pressed up against his body, our mouths still connected and now his hands trailed down my back almost to tease. When I was finally able to break the kiss I was the one to give Fallacy one of my sensual smiles and his eyes glowed bright with a new desire. His hands found my bottom as he used it to get closer to me without putting a lot of pressure on my belly.

"You're crossing a line~" Fallacy growled.

I bit my bottom lip and Fallacy took a deep breath in to marvel. He didn't know my plan and I was already initiating it.

"Maybe I want to cross it~." I breathed in-between the rushes of desire I felt.

Fallacy's mouth twitched into a small smile of a predator and I planned to get him a little closer to the edge before I dropped the bomb on him. His head bent down as he trailed his tongue up my neck earning a gasp to escape my mouth. I felt like I was playing with fire at this moment but I didn't care. I knew I'd come out victorious even if I knew this would come to bite me in the ass later.

"You know I can read your thoughts~ I doubt you forgot~." He chose to tell me as he smirked and all-knowing smirk.

My eyes widened a little but I knew I didn't give away my plan through my thoughts but instead gave him a heads up that I was planning something. I had to make it look like I was caught – which I was – so he'd let his guard down.

"I didn't forget~." I told him with a surrendered tone and he seemed to relax a little.

Fallacy kissed the corner of my mouth and one of his hands settled on my belly with a small rub. Of course he'd do this when he was horny. My eyes softened as I admired the man I loved. The one everyone once feared and quite possibly still feared. He was doing his best to show affection to our child who wasn't even born yet.

"I love you." It was sudden but Fallacy's eyes caught mine and I swear I could feel myself melting in that gaze.

"I love you too, Encre." He spoke with a tenderness that made me kiss him again.

I wanted to initiate my plan but I was too taken aback by him that I didn't know what to do.

What was I going to do with Fallacy?

-Here you all go! I made sure to spice some things up in this chapter and hopefully you all enjoy it. I don't think another chapter will be made again today but hopefully I will be able to prepare a chapter on Word Docs so when I have the chance I can publish it when I get internet again. I'm at school right now so I wasn't really suppose to be on Wattpad rather than doing my homework which I plan to get done. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I shall see you all in the next one! Byeeeeeee-

[Book 2] Heart of Desire (Fallacy X Encre)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt