Chapter X

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It'd been nearly a month since (Name) got kidnapped and surprisingly she was still alive.

"Would you kill your child if you didn't want it?" Sangwoo asked while dismembering a body of his latest victim. Once young and beautiful, the brunette was now lacking left leg and a good portion of right arm.

"You mean something like an abortion?" (Name) replied not looking up from her job which was putting the massacred remains in several different plastic bags.

"What? No. " the man snorted and continued " I'm talking about a child, someone that's already been born. Would you murder it?

"I can't imagine myself hating my own child... So no, I wouldn't. " She cast a glance at him, curious of his reaction. There's a long pause during which Sangwoo seemed completely lost in his thoughts. Suddenly he stopped in his action.

" Wouldn't you hate it if it was mine? "

Your eyes widened and your throat went dry. Was it some kind of a test? If so, what would be the correct answer?

"Well" you gulped, disrupting the dead silence, " I don't really know. There'd surely be a part of me telling me to do so, but... You know, on the other hand... That child would be partially mine.

" But wouldn't you be worried it might grow up to... to be like me?" he asked sounding genuinely interested in your opinion.

" Children are not their parents, Sangwoo.At least they don't have to be. If only they are raised right-" you started softly, but was unable to finish.

" Yeah, I get it. Now go back to work." he cut you short.

Sangwoo seemed annoyed for the rest of the day and (Name) tried her best to avoid him.

- I'm off! - Sangwoo screamed from the doorstep and left. Judging by his outfit he was heading to either his workplace or the university.
Having nothing better to do, (Name) started doing her chores. Since the broken arm was healing painfully slowly and walking was still out of the question, the chores composed mostly of cleaning the floor and bathroom tiles. 
She was in the bathroom, cleaning the floor as she suddenly felt nauseous. She quickly reached the toilet and seconds later threw up.
After rinsing her mouth with water, she quickly cleaned the toilet and finished the rest of the chores. She crawled to the kitchen where she clumsily poured herself a glass of water. She drank it quickly.
Sure, there was a couple of possible explanations, like food poisoning or anxiety. However, one of them seemed particularly dreadful.

She heard the familiar beeping and soon Sangwoo entered the house.

"(Name)? Where are you?" he asked looking around for her.

"I'm in the kitchen" she responded in a weak voice.

"Finished with the chores?" he asked keeping a close eye on her.

"Yeah" she nodded, staring fearfully into the distance.

Sangwoo observed her carefully for a moment and noticing something was off, he crouched down to match her level and asked "Hey, what's wrong?"

(Name) slowly looked at him and shivered, startled by his proximity.

"Sangwoo... Could you get me a pregnancy test?" she asked, her voice shaking.

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