Chapter III

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Even asleep she reminds me of you...

- [Y/N] wake up, I have something for you to drink.

You slowly opened your eyes and, much to your surprise, you found yourself in Sangwoo's bedroom. It was dark outside. For a moment you wondered for how long you had already been kept here and what day it was today, but as soon as you saw a glass in Sangwoo's hand, right in front of you, you couldn't think of anything else than reaching out and grabbing the glass.

- Haha, not so fast [Y/N], unless you want to choke. - he laughed.

No sooner had he finished his sentence than you emptied the glass.
You were both looking at each other, a wall of dead silence between you. Your anxiety was growing higher by each second. You had no idea what the man was about to do next. You weren't sure how you should behave. You feared his anger as he was much bigger and much stronger than you. With one swift move he could have broken your spine. And there was one more thing, a question which had been bugging you ever since you had woken up in the basement.

- Sangwoo, why am I here? - you finally asked.

- I don't know, why are you here? - hearing his mocking response made your blood boil but you decided to stay calm no matter what was about to come.

- You chained me to the metal pole, how was I supposed to leave? - you replied calmly.

- You could have chewed off one of your hands, just like coyotes do. - Sangwoo chuckled.

- Do you want a ransom? I can give you my mother's number, she'll pay you as much as you want. - you ignored his "joke" and tried negotiating.

- And why would she do that? She still has your sister and, if I remember correctly, she's a young wonderful woman. [S/N] - the best neurosurgeon in South Korea, one of the best worldwide. And you, who are you compared to her?

- I-I..-although you knew the answer very well, you'd never openly admit it, at least not in front of him. You tried to stay calm and not fall apart and after some time you finally came up with a reply :

- If I'm such a worthless human being, why did you kidnapp me? My sister exceeds me in everything, she's smarter, she's more popular and has more friends and she's prett-

- I'm not really sure why, it just felt like something that I should do. I think I saw some kind of potential in you. - Sangwoo interrupted you.

- " 'Some sort of potential' is he fucking kidding me? Disgusting, sick psycho!" - of course you kept it to yourself and instead asked politely:

- For how long are you planning on keeping me here?

- It depends on how you'll be behaving. - he chuckled. - Come to think of it, it is high time I told you the rules. Follow them and you'll be alright. - he said and then stood up.

- Come on.

- I can't. My legs are...

- You don't have to walk. I'll be waiting in the hallway, better hurry up. I'm rather impatient. - Sangwoo said and walked out of the room.

The most natural thing to do would be to crawl, but you were sure that this is what Sangwoo wanted you to do. Thus, you were determined to get there some other way. You had to think fast, you didn't want to be 'punished' again. You examined your feet and ankles once again. They were in terrible condition and you were sure you won't be able to walk for at least next two weeks. Then maybe you'll be able to escape.

-What's taking you so long, [Y/N]? Shall I help you? ~ - you shivered having heard Sangwoo's low voice and looked around the room hoping to find anything that could be used as crutches.

However, you hadn't found anything and was preparing to crawl out of the bedroom when door suddenly opened and Sangwoo rushed into.

- What the hell are you thinking!? I'm not gonna wait there for you forever. - he screamed and violently grabbing your hair he pulled you out of the room.
You did your best trying to free yourself from his strong grip, but it was futile. Finally he let go of your hair and said :
- Now, listen up you stupid bitch. You see this line right here? - he asked pointing to a small gap between wooden planks on the floor.

-You're not allowed to pass it. Got it? If you do, I promise I'll split this fucking throat of yours open.

- Moving on - he grabbed you again and dragged you to the kitchen.

-Please, that's enough! I can walk on my own! - kept begging on the way there.

-Oh, really, can you? - he chuckled innocently after violently dropping you on the wooden kitchen floor.

You said nothing in response and kept rubbing your sore scalp.

- Here, you'll be preparing food, mostly dinners. You may use the swivel chair if you want. - Sangwoo said pointing to the chair.

- Oh, and a protip - he chuckled - Don't poison the food, because you'll be eating it with me.

-Apart from that, you have to clean the house, of course only the places you're allowed to go. And...Hmm, I think that's it. Not hard to remember, right? - he looked at you waiting for an answer.

- Yes! - you said quickly.

- Good, good girl. - he patted your head.

- And now, let's have some fun.

I'm so sorry for how long it took me to post this chapter. My exams are finally over so I'll be posting more chapters (hopefully).
See you soon
Marrie ~

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