Chapter V

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Gyeong-Hui's giggles begun transforming into moans. You started hearing sounds you would have never wanted to hear.
But when you tried to cover your ears, you felt a sharp, unbearable pain in your right arm. Hesitantly you looked at it. It was bent in an unnatural way. You bluntly stared at it for well over a minute before you realized it was broken. You waited for the tears to come, but much to your surprise nothing happened. Despite the insufferable pain, you couldn't cry. Was it a rush of adrenaline? Or maybe you were too dehydrated? It didn't matter. You probably didn't have much time left.
You checked the rest of your body. Apart from some new bruises, your legs seemed to be in the same state as before. Also you were able to move your left arm and to sit up which meant that your spine wasn't harmed.
Suddenly the sounds coming from upstairs died down and it became quiet.
You looked up at the trapdoor. The room got dark.
- Fuck! Looks like the power went out. - Sangwoo sounded irritated - Hey, could you help me?
- Sure, what should I do? - Gyeong-Hui asked sweetly.
- The breakers are down in the basement. Could you go there with me and hold the flashlight when I'll be turning them back on?
- Well, that's quite an unusual place for the breakers. - she laughed.
- Right? But that's where they used to place it back in the day.
- Ok, lead the way.

What am I supposed to do now? They'll be here in a minute. Should I hide somewhere? He's luring her into a trap. Maybe I can still save her? Maybe if she sees me, violated, injured, in this cold dark basement, maybe she'll manage to realize what's going on and run away in time? But on the other hand... She might be too slow for that and get captured anyway. Then, he'll kill both of us, for sure... Still, do I have anything to lose? I'm already dead.
Thus you decided not to move an inch from your spot and simply kept waiting.
Sangwoo must have found the flashlight, as now they were both walking in your direction.

The door had slowly opened and you heard creaking of the stairs. The light of flashlight soon landed on you and the girl started screaming. Sangwoo, who was walking behind her, didn't waste a second and immediately pushed her down the stairs. She groaned in pain but still proceeded to stand up. As she was pathetically struggling to do so, Sangwoo walked up to her and kicked her couple of times in the stomach. She didn't try to stand up again. Then Sangwoo turned  to you.

- [Y/N] you're so silly! I've told you that she'd be joining us today, you should have moved ou of the way. - he mocked you.

- Sangwoo, what's going on?! - the girl started panicking - And who are you?! - she asked with disgust on her face.

- Oh, how can you be so mean to our little [Y/N]? - Sangwoo scoffed her.

He approached you with a sympathetic smile and patted your head.

- Oh, your arm...It's broken. -

-Please Sangwoo...

- Please what? Oh, I get it. - he winked to you. - You wanna already start playing. Alright beautiful, I shall grant your wish. - with that he walked up to a metal cabinet, opened it with a key and took a knife and a hammer. Then he turned to Gyeong-Hui.

- As you can see your rival is a little injured, so I'm gonna even up the chances. We want a fair match, now don't we?

The girl watched in terror as he was slowly approaching her. She begged him to stop. And then the first hit came. In one swift move Sangwoo broke her left ankle and the air was pierced by her inhuman cry of pain. You thanked God for being passed out when he was doing that to you.
No sooner had she taken a breath, than the man broke her another ankle and as she was crawling in pain he stretched her right arm and crushed her elbow.

- Alright ~. Now you're even and we can start the game. The rules are simple : you either win or you die. You gonna fight like real gladiators. - He paused and grabbed something from the table.

- These are your weapons. - he laughed and presented two butcher knifes. He gave one to you and put the other one near crawling in pain Gyeong-Hui.

- Now, the fight shall begin.

Mother (Killing Stalking Sangwoo x Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin