Chapter II

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Next thing you saw was a beautiful park which you used to visit with your mother when you were still a child. Spring was in the air and birds were blissfully singing their cheerful songs. The weather was sunny and warm. However, having looked around, you found yourself to be the only visitor. A bit worried you decided to continue your walk anyways, hoping to find someone on the way. As you kept walking, a peaceful ambiance of the place started detracting.

You turned around and saw your "mother" or rather a woman who looked exactly like her, but 15 years younger. She was waving at you, her lips curved into a gentle smile.
- [Y/N]! Come here.
You immediately started running to her as she kept repeating:
-[Y/N]! Come here, [Y/N]!... [Y/N]!

... [Y/N]!
A splash of freezing cold water landed on your face making you immediately woke up with a start. You opened your eyes and saw a familiar figure tovering above you.

- I thought you got into some sort of coma or something. - Sangwoo said with a voice which, surprisingly, sounded quite relieved. - You slept for 2 days and that honestly got me a little bit worried. But, hey, you're awake now and we can start playing! Isn't that cool? - Sangwoo asked after sitting on a chair in front of you.

You were looking at him in shock, still not fully awoken. You were in some kind of basement, a very dark and cold one and wait... your hands were handcuffed and chained to a metal pole.

- Hey, you forgot how to talk? Answer my question! - Sangwoo said and slapped you.

But even then everything around you seemed somehow unreal and surrealistic, so instead of doing what he had told you to, you asked him:
- Where are we? What's going on?

The man stared at you for some time, unsure of what to do, whether he should slap you again for not obeying his order or explain everything to you. Finally, a maniacal smile appeared on his lips and he bursted into hysterical laughter.

- Pff, I haven't expect you to be this dumb, [Y/N] - he continued laughing.

His reaction completely freaked you out.

- Sangwoo, it's not funny! Seriously what the fuck has happened?! Why am I chaine-?! - you tried to ask when a strong kick in the ribs interrupted your speech. You desperately gasped for air, then felt dizzy and shut your eyes tight , trying to deal with unbearable pain in your ribcage.

Next thing you saw was Sangwoo crouching down in front of you, with a bloody knife and a large hammer in his hands.

- Hello beautiful! I have some bad news. Your pain tolerance is extremely low, which means that you pass out every time we start playing. You see, at first, after I kicked you, I thought you were faking it, so I decided to do some experiments. The results were rather surprising. After all I had done, you still didn't regain consciousness and let out a single cry.

You gulped and look down on your body. Your entire stomach was bandaged, bandages covered in bloodstains. Your legs at first seemed relatively fine, bearing only few bruises, but when you looked at your ankles and feet you held your breath. Your ankles looked awfully swollen and purple and bandages on your feet were basically entirely covered in blood.

-Amazing, isn't it? I must admit, I am really proud of myself. - Sangwoo said with a cheerful voice.
-There were times when I really wanted to finish you, but I managed to control myself and here you are chatting with me.

- Why didn't you kill me?

Your question seemed to have shocked the male and he looked unsure of what to say.

Finally he answered, doing his best to sound light and cheerfully :
- You're a rare case... a challenge. I'll have to find a way to play with you without making you pass out. I know it won't be easy and that's what excites me.

Then he reached out to you and tucked loose strands of your (length, color) hair behind your ear.

- Smile [Y/N].

Remembering his reaction after you hadn't answered him, seemingly rhetorical, question, you quickly  curved corners of your chapped lips into a faint smile and Sangwoo smiled back.

- Much better. - he said.

- Sangwoo?

- What is it?

- Could you please give me some water?

- Right, it's been already two days. My God, how time flies. - he said and stood up. He went upstairs, leaving you alone, lying on a cold hard ground. (sorry 😂)

Alright, time to analise the whole situation. - you thought - Not only is Sangwoo a handsome and charming young man, but... he's also a sadistic psychopath! - Normally you'd laugh at your terrible bad luck with meeting new guys, but right now you were kidnapped and trapped by one. You tried to get up, but gave up on the idea after you moved your right leg a little and felt sharp pain in your ankle.
'Why am I still alive, why didn't he kill me? I don't believe the whole "rare case" thing, there must be something else, he surely has other hidden motives... But what are they?'

Before you managed to develop some theories, you heard heavy steps signaling that Sangwoo was going back to you, hopefully, with a glass of fresh, cold water.

When you saw the handsome man carrying a glass of a transparent liquid your face immediately brightened up, a vibrant sparkle visible in your eyes again.

Seeing you like this made the tall male flinched and only seconds later you watched in terror as Sangwoo threw the glass making it shudder into pieces, splashing its precious content in the opposite corner of the room, far from your reach.

- Why did you do that?! - you asked with glossy eyes, only to burst into tears moments later.

But there was no reply. The man went back upstairs, shutting the door and leaving you in a complete darkness. You cried for some time and then got tired, probably because of your massive dehydration, and you drifted off to sleep.

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