3. In Person

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Hate Savanah here. We never met in person but we want to so I'm gonna make a chapter and hopefully it's close enough.

(Savanah's POV)

My heart was pounding in my chest.

She didnt know I was here.

"We are now landing in Australia." The pilot said.

When we landed, I got up and got.my carry-on bags.

(Oh um I never discussed this with Abbey but were gonna be like 16 in this chapter but uh yeH)

I walked off the plane and into the airport.

I walked to the baggage-claim and got the rest of my stuff.

When I got my rental car and got in, I typed in the address her mom gave me beforehand.

(Time skip)

I parked and sighed.

The house in front of me contained my best friend in it.

I knocked and barking was heard.

The door opened and there she was.

My internet best friend, the one I've been wanting to see.

Her jaw dropped.

"Well what are you waiting for? Hug me!" I said, throwing open my arms.

She hugged me tightly and tears streaked my face.

I squeezed her before letting go.

:"your actually standing in front of me." Shs whispered.

"Yes, I'm actually standing in front of you. Now let me in." I said, wiping my eyes.

She stood aside and we went to her room.

I couldnt be happier in this moment.

This just gave me separation anxiety. I love you babe! I wish so bad I could meet you -Sav

You too boo -Abbey

T̶H̶E̶ ̶B̶A̶B̶E̶S̶ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon