12: Chill

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(Sav's POV)

I laid down beside Abbey as she slept.

I was supposed to be waking her up but she seemed so peaceful.

I kissed her forehead and lightly shook her.

"Baby....wake up." I said, shaking her a little more.

She opened her eyes and sat up.

She walked into the bathroom as my phone rang.

I declined and sighed as Abbey walked put of the bathroom.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me, leaning down kissing her softly.

"I love you." I mumbled against her lips.

She pulled away and got out of my arms.

I stood by the door, waiting for her.

When she walked over I opened the door for her.

I closed and locked the front door and we got in the car.

I drove down the street and to nandos.

~time skip~

I heard a lot of noise coming from the table in front of us.

I looked up and almost spit out my water.

"What is it?" Abbey asked.

She turned around and gasped, looking back at me.

I swallowed the water and stared at Harry as he slowly looked to me.

I casted my eyes to my water and gripped Abbey,'s hand.

After we finished our food we made sure to slowly exit.

"Hey! Wait." I heard Harry say.

I turned around and he walked up to us.

"You know me?" He asked.

"Well I mean...yeah." I said, handing Abbey the keys and kissing her.

I got his number and gave him a quick hug before returning to the car.

When I got in I scoffed and smiled at her, giving her his number also.

When we got home, we laid in bed, watching Shameless.

Our legs were tangled together and her arms were around my stomach and her head on my chest.

  Suddenly I got a text.





He never said anything else.

I sighed and pulled Abbey closer to me.

I kissed her softly and gently rubbed her sides.

I pulled away as she slowly closed her eyes, falling asleep.

I chuckled and kissed her forehead, trying to fall asleep also.

Sorry it's short and kinda rushed and kinda bad....but I'm kinda tired and I need to text my baby because I love her and can't go 20 minutes without texting her

T̶H̶E̶ ̶B̶A̶B̶E̶S̶ Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu