5. First Phone Call

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Me and Abbey had our first phone call late last night (or 5 in the afternoon for her).

We were both very nervous as we had sent snapchats and seen eachothers faces and heard eachothers voices, but it was different live.

So, because of how far away she was, she was breaking up and I wonder if I was too.

We talked until I accidentally turned off my phone and then we just texted.

I had fallen asleep, a smile on my face knowing that I had just, for the first time, called my best friend.

Our first phone call:
Friday,March 23, 2019(US time and date)

Saturday, March 23, 2019(Aus time and date)

A question, have you ever seen wallabies just, hopping around?

Yeah I have. I've also seen kangaroos, possums, and my house in covered in lizards. (On the outside of course) And occasionally we have a giant Gecko that makes his way into the house and then we have to catch him and put him back outside. (No geckos are harmed in this process)

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