13: Commitment

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(Savs pov)

Early the next morning I got ready and made sure that I didn't wake Abbey up.

I got dressed in this.

I grabbed my keys and kissed Abbeys forehead, leaving the house

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I grabbed my keys and kissed Abbeys forehead, leaving the house.

I got in my car and turned up the heat, smiling.

Yesterday I went out and bought a car seat.

Abbey hadn't noticed and I was thankful for that.

It was 7:45 in the morning and it would take an hour and a half to get to the adoption centre/orphanage.

~time skip~

When I got there I walked in and smiled at the little kids and big Kids running around.

"Hello! I'm Reneé. Find a child and we will see if anyone else has the same interest." She said walking off.

I looked around but felt a special pulling towards a little boy in red with longish hair and brown eyes.

I looked around but felt a special pulling towards a little boy in red with longish hair and brown eyes

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I walked over to him and flipped my hair over my shoulder squatting down in front of him.

"Hi." I said, smiling at him.

He smiled back up at me and laughed.

I went to the front desk and talked to Reneé.

She smiled and handed me a form as I signed it and gave it back to her.

She walked over to a closet and came back over with a grey jacket and handed it to me.

"Congratulations." She said smiling.

I walked up to Nolan and picked him up.

"Hi. I'm your new mommy now." I said, kissing his cheek.

He giggled and laid his head on my shoulder, falling asleep.

I put the jacket on him and put the hood up.

When I got outside, I walked to my car and buckled him up in the back.

I got in the front and drove to the nearest McDonald's.

I got some hashbrowns and nuggets and a chocolate milk for Nolan.

When he woke up I reached back and handed him a hashbrown to which he ate.

When I got home, the kitchen and bedroom lights were on.

I got out of the car and helped Nolan out.

I opened the door.

"Babe?" I yelled.

"In the room!" She yelled.

I picked Nolan up and shut the door.

He fell asleep on my shoulder as I walked into the room.

She was in the bathroom, presumably getting dressed.

I took the jacket off of Nolan and put it up, tucking him into the bed.

When Abbey opened the bathroom door I covered her eyes.

"I have a surprise for you." I said, kissing her cheek.

She sighed and I guided her to the bed, sitting her down.

"Babe you know I don't like s-"

"It's not that. God no its like the complete opposite." I said, giggling.

"Is it the pope?" She asked.

"No." I laughed.

When I removed my hands she gasped, covering her mouth.

I took it upon myself to grab the ring box from the dresser.

"Babe are you serious??" She asked, smiling.

I pulled her up and held her hands.

"Baby. I love you so so much more than I can tell you. And I know that we've been through some tough times but I want to fix it." I said, getting down on one knee and pulling the ring out.

"Sav..." she whispered.

I opened it and held it out to her.

"Abbey...will you Marry me?" I asked.

"Yes!" She yelled as I got up and hugged her tightly.

I slid the ring onto her finger and kissed her softly.

"Mommy?" I heard Nolan say as he sat up.

I smiled and picked him up.

"That's your other momma." I said, pointing to abbey.

He whined and reached out to her.

Abbey grabbed him and laid onto the bed.

I laid next to her and cuddled her.

We're a family now. She's my baby, and he's my baby boy.

I kissed his head and kissed her lips, turning on TUA.

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