2. Meeting Savanah

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I had no followers.

I just wrote books.

Didn't publish them. Just wrote them.

One day I came across a book.

A book that I fell in love with.

I commented regularly.

Told her how much I loved her and her story.

I tagged her in my book.

A book I wrote after being inspired by her book.

She commented.

We messaged.

We talked for half an hour.

We exchanged numbers.

We exchanged snapchats.

We exchanged any form of social media we both had.

I was unbelievably happy.

I just made a new friend.

A real friend that I knew would never leave me.

Her name was Savanah.

She made me happy.

We talked for hours upon hours.

She was my baby.

Sounds weird.

But she was my boo, my bae, my babe.

Together we were the babes.

And that's what I thought when I met the love of my life (jk were just friends. BEST FRIENDS)


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