Chapter One- Meeting Ms. Kaia

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Alexander's POV

Today of all days how could I be late, today I am picking Aaron up from school his mother is going to kill me I promised her that I will pick him up and that I wouldn't be late. See its Aaron's first day of preschool and his mother Rose, who is well was my best friends wife, had to work late today. I didn't want to let her down and I really didn't want to let my one and only godson down. I love that little boy like he is my own.

Kaia's POV

The first day of school always brought a lot of mixed emotions for me. But I wouldn't trade being a preschool teacher for the world. I love teaching these little cuties, I treat all my students like they are my own children even though I have none of my own yet. I am only 21 and I already have my head on my shoulders my friends call me old. Hell even my parents and family call me old but I can live with that. Anyways back to present. I am a lead teacher at Little Stars Academy here in Savannah. I teach three to five year olds.

So far this day has gone by without to much trouble for it being the first day. I'm just waiting on one  adorable brown haired brown eyed little boy parents to come get him so I can finish cleaning my classroom and go home.

Alexander's POV

This couldn't be any worse right now. It seems like every traffic light I see I get stuck at I'm at least forty five minutes late. Rosa is going to kill me for real now. I finally make it to Little Stars Academy and I hope other people are this late picking up their children. I say its a good sign that I still see kids running and playing. I make my way to Aaron's class and I feel really bad because  he is the only child there. He is just sitting on the carpet playing while his teacher is wiping the board clean. I can't help but admire her backside in those jeans. I can honestly say the jeans aren't wearing her she is wearing them. OK maybe I shouldn't be looking at her like that she is Aaron's teacher after all.

Kaia's POV

I can't help but feel someone staring at me so I turn around to see this gorgeous man at the door of my classroom. He is about 6'4 with black hair, but its cut into a short business like style, and emerald green eyes I can't help but get lost in them. I realize that I have been staring at him for to long when he starts to smirk at me. Maybe I should say something come on Kaia say something anything just talk. "Hello my name is Kaia Andrews and you must be here to pick up Aaron?" Yes Kaia you didn't make a complete fool of yourself. He just stared at me with that smirk on his face " Yes I am sorry I am late I had a meeting and lost track of time." He looked down at Aaron he was down by his legs and picked him. He gave him a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the head before he promised to take him for some ice cream for being late. That really made Aaron happy. " That's OK Aaron here is a wonderful little boy and a pleasure to have. I just need to see your drivers license so I can make sure you are on the list to pick him up from school." I checked his drivers license and yes Mr. Alexander Romero is here. Alexander Romero why does that name sound so familiar. "Mr.Romero here you go your name is on his emergency contact list so you can take little Aaron here." He put is drivers license back in his wallet." Please call me Alexander. Mr Romero makes me sound old after all I'm only 25. Bye Ms. Kaia Andrews." He turned around and left. I stood at the door for about five minutes before a moved to finished cleaning up and all I can think about is one tall and sexy man named Alexander Romero.

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