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Hima's  pov :

She slapped big bro and ran away...

Every body was shocked with what just happened !!!
She was crying badly. How can you call her slut and bitch oni Chan?? Did you forget to respect girls??

Don't  forget you also have a little sister!!! I said to Boruto while clenching my fist to control my tears...

she was lying, I don't remember anything. I would remember if anything actually happened like this... boruto said.

now I guess chocho loose her control Because she yelled at him and said to him how could you remember??? Do you even remember how many girls you have slept with?!!! You bloody play boy, she is not a slut. You are a play boy.

And what did you said the guy she slept with left him, it could be her secret boyfriend?? That's what you mean right?? First of all she is not that kind of person who will sleep with anyone like you. Second she values relationship if she had boyfriend she would showed everyone. And the guy would be lucky who will get her in his life.

Her mistake was she never got drunk before so ended up with a one night Stand with a play boy like you. Who is blaming her for lying because you don't want to take responsibility, do you?

Cho take a deep breath and before starting again... if  you think with brain, you are the one playing with her... she was drunk, so you took advantage and got her pregnant. And now playing your little dirty games with her, just because you hate her, right? She is not lying or blaming. No girl will make her own character dirty just to play with you and blame you. It's vice versa actually, in reality you ruin her future and everything. She was just a toy to you whom you want to destroy and it doesn't Matter how!!!

Boruto's POV:

I could not take anymore!!! What the hell are you talking about, how much you know about me and my personal life??? For god sake I know how I behaved was wrong, I am sorry and I mean it.

I should have never insult her or disrespect her.

It was my fault, I crossed my limits. But that doesn't mean I am lying. I always can remember things after the night of being drunk. And I don't get drunk easily and don't sleep with everyone. I just highest make out with girls. But if we had sex I would had remembered because then it would be also my 1st tym having sex and loosing my virginity to somebody. For god sake man not only girls but guys also want to loose their virginity with someone special. Not getting drunk and having sex with everyone. I know I have a bad reputation at school but you should not always believe what you see, Ya know... he smiled.

All of us looked at him with a shocked face. Today  many secrets are revealing. Shika said while laughing and Boruto blushed.

We should go search for sarada, she was crying badly. I said grabbing cho cho with me.

Stop!!! Give her some space.  I am pretty sure, she won't talk to you guys now after what happened. And also you lied to her to brought her here. Forget it already? Shikadai said.

He has a point. It was really embarrassing and heartbreaking for her. Give her some time. I know you two are the only friend she have. But trust me. She needs some time, give her some time to at least come down. Inojin said.

They are right. We lied to her and gave her the worst surprise in her life. But  what if she thought we also abandoned her and didn't trust??? No, what am I thinking, she won't never think anything like that. Probably we should give her some space, cho thought.

Let's  get start going home guys!!! I guess there is a storm coming!!! Mitsuki said while looking at the dark grey sky....

Let's go.... every body said together....

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