Your most hatred!!

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Boruto sitting on his room thinking about past. He still feel guilty for that day. He couldn't apologize to her. Her letter haunts him in his dream. He took out the letter from his pocket start reading for the thousandth time in this two year. In her letter she wrote

By the time you will get this letter i will be far away from here. You don't have to hate me anymore. I don't know till now why you hated me so much. But trust me when i say that the baby is yours. Don't worry I won't ruin your image or life with the baby. I wasn't lying that day, you were my first. I don't know what happened, how it happened but from now on you can have your life free of me. I do feel jealous of you, you are good looking, outgoing and very popular. You have a very loving sister, best friends who loves you a lot. I guess my dad also loves you more than me. You get everyone's love. Atleast you have few shades of love in your life. I saw the same loneliness in your eyes which i have. I don't know what you are craving which love you are craving. But know that You are a play boy so for you having sex might be normal, for me it wasn't. I didn't plan to loose my virginity to you to get some kind of revenge. I am not that low. I am not a slut bolt. I am not!! I didn't know you think that low of me. Well i don't know why i even writing this. It's not like that you care if i die or live. Oh sorry I called you bolt its just for close people to you to call. I know you won't look for me or the baby, but please do me a favor don't tell anyone about being the father. Please take care of hima for me and make sure no one looks for me or tell our parents about who is my baby daddy is. I don't want your parents having any legal battles with me in future once they find out the baby is the heir of your family. Though i know no adult will try to find me if you didn't say the baby is yours. My parents already abandoned me. So we all good? Just think the baby is not yours and the girl you most hate is gone.....Be happy Boruto. I hope you have a good life in future with Sumire. And yeah I did saw how you look at her. I think you should just tell her that you like her. Btw why do you hate me so much Boruto?

Your most hatred

He sighed and went to his balcony for a smoke. I will find you Sarada. They already know about me being the father. Well hima, cho cho couldn't keep their mouth shut. Even though I explained them the situation but i think they still believe you. Especially my dad, He always had soft spot for you. That used to piss me off that how friendly you were with my dad. Like friendly father-daughter relationship, when my relationship with him so distant. Of course he is going nuts to find you and his grand child. Still he believes you more than me. And that's what pisses me of the most. I know he also blame me for your disappearance. You thought nobody cared but trust me you are more here without being here. It feels like I became more unwanted. I am thinking of telling sumire about my feelings after graduation. Tell her how much crush i have on her.

On the othe side in New york a girl was getting ready to go to work. I am going to be late. She sighed. Its been two years since i left Japan she thinks to herself. I wonder how everyone doing now. Do they even remember me? Do they miss me ? Probably not. I know my best friend might miss me. Who knows!! I know he is finally happy that i am gone. So many things have changed over the two years. I texted my assistant i am not coming to office today. I will do all the paperwork from home today. It's been rough couple of weeks with the triplets. They are 14 months wild creature!!! It feels like yesterday they were just born. I can still remember that time as clear as day. My whole pregnancy was a roller coaster. That night when i got kicked out my world started spinning. I had suicidal thoughts. I was sinking in the darkness with all of my negative thoughts. Finally I snapped out of thoughts and got a grip on the reality. I can't kill my baby. We will live. I will raise my baby by my self. It is going to be hard but I can do it. I made a plan i wrote letters for everyone. Tomorrow morning I will leave. I started packing my stuff any sentimental to me which is pictures with my best friends, my parents, friends family ( include Boruto's  family) i took. I don't know why even i took it. In case after 18 the baby wants to know about paternal side. I am not taking any money from my parents, which includes none of the cards or cash i have from them. I do have some money from my online job. No one knows about it but i used to do a ton of freelancing. Of course it's not for money my parents are blessed. I like research and I wanted to do something by myself, earn money, my dad won't ever agree to it so I did a lot of things online. That gave me a lot of savings. I put everything on a package when my dad comes to collect the keys of the apartment with the cards and money. I uploaded all of my pictures to a folder to the cloud, erased the phone, put it beside the other stuff in the package. I don't want anyone tracking me, not that someone going to look for me. My dad loves Boruto more than me. I feel like he always wanted a son instead of daughter. To be heir of his empire. I always tried my best to make him proud, to be the best child i can be. Unfortunately I turned out to be a disappointment. I will ruin his reputation if i give birth here. He is more happy, smiling when Boruto comes here. As if his long lost son came. With me he is always distant. I would never do that to my baby. I know how painful it is. So far the packing looks good. I went to my dresser opened the drawer, there it is. The white envelope. My last hope. My confirmed paperwork to move to Usa. I got scholarships to one of the high school as an exchange student. I was going to surprise everyone with that especially make my dad proud before the whole fiasco. Well certainty didn't not feel it would end at like this. I will be going for forever. I snapped from my thoughts With my assistant's call. Hey? You sure you don't want me come to your home to help with the paperwork besides i don't mind driving she said. It is okay i can manage, thanks for offering though. Okay if you say so she said plus i send the mail you wanted me to send. I did exactly how you instructed she informed. I sighed loudly on the phone subconsciously along with a sad smile. Hey!! You okay? she questioned. Oh yeah i am good thank you. Have a good day. I hung up.
I thought to myself I won't forgive you Mr Uzumaki.

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Shades of love ( Borusara )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora