Chapter 2: Experimental Game

Start from the beginning

" Really? But still, that only tells me why she left, I need to know where she went." My father told me, his voice kind of cold but I could tell he was worried because of how Mira and he had a rather rocky relationship.

" Still, she's a teenager Edward ... she probably wants to explore and break the rules. But doesn't mean she's trying to leave home, she loved you a lot, Edward. We just need to be patient and wait." Aunt Rose explained to my father, her arms crossed and her golden hair resting in a bun, while Uncle Emmet stood beside her.

" My patience is running thin, Rose. They could be back. But this is different than anything she's done before, she would at least say she left to the grocery store or something." My father responded anxiously.

" Edward, you worry too much, stop freaking out so much. She'll come back even if we have to wait here all night. Besides, I'm done with them ... if they're back, then Alice would've seen something." Aunt Rose exclaimed, clearly annoyed with my father.

" Omg! I'm sorry for not replying to your texts, I'm fine though. I just went to Fern's house for a few hours, tell mom and dad not worry about me so much. Love you all!" Mira wrote back, I felt a sigh of relief leave my lips, knowing my mother was watching over my shoulder, reading every word.

" Esmira's okay, she responded back, that's good but I mean she could've left a note or something. I swear to god, she's grounded the moment she steps inside." My mother exclaimed angrily, her arms crossed and her golden eyes filled with red anger.

" That's great but still, she can't just up in leave in the middle of the night like that, without a word. Does she know that people have been disappearing? No, she doesn't ... I just don't want to see her hurt." My father stated, angry at first before calming down.

" All we have to do is wait for to come home, I can understand that you're both worried sick about her but ... it's not that big of a ... deal." I muttered lowly, but my parents heard it clearly.

No words for the past 15 minutes that we waited for her, but before we knew it, a loud knock came from the front door. My dad had gotten up quickly to get the door, I could see his anger in his clenched fists, as he opened the door abruptly infront of Mira who looked guilty as ever.

" Look, I'm sorry for not telling you guys or leav-" Mira said but before getting interrupted.

" Esmira, it's not a matter of not telling or thinking that sorry will make up for it. You're careless, not caring if we're worried sick about you, not worried if someone harvests your organs or something." My father exclaimed loudly and strictly before grabbing her wrist and dragging her inside the house, I knew that it was problem but my father didn't know how to handle Mira.

Mira's Pov:

I didn't think it'd become a missing person's case so fast, I felt the rough feeling of his hand wrapped around my wrist as I fought out of his tight grasp as he dragged me into the living room. Sitting me down on the empty couch, as my aunts and uncles watched and filled the living room, my father had truly lost it with me, his eyes ice cold and anger in his fists.

" Do you care if we stopped caring where you went? People have been disappearing quick in this town, as if you wouldn't be treated different ... if you wouldn't be taken up off the street." My father spat, angrily as he stood while my mother stood beside him, with her arms crossed.

" I'm not human, dad! I've grown up! I'm not the same little girl 17 years ago ... I just went out and had fun, what's wrong with that!?" I shouted back, annoyed with how my father was treating me. My father didn't speak for a few moments, taking in my words and letting silence fill the air.

" But you sure act like you're still a child. You think that having fun is disappearing late in 2'o'clock then you must really have lost your humanity, Esmira." My father fussed at me, his eyes glaring daggers, I felt anger and irritation rise inside my body, I want to be free, but I'm locked up with chains.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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