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" Oz, still got some fight in you? " Soichi asked as he was in Stalk armor barely standing as Killbas stood in front of him while Ozpin had just slowly stood up using his cane for support " More or less Isurugi..." he replied as Killbas chuckled clapping his hands " Little brother don't you see your rebellious act isn't gettint anywhere, say you do beat me, here and now, you won't be able to get past Salem" Killbas told them " Besides the kids don't even know what she's capable of, sending them into a blind battle, leaving them behind just to die, just like you did with Ro-" Soichi had punched Killbas in across the face sending him sliding onto his back " Don't you mention her name....." he hissed almost as Killbas chuckled " then please show me.....why she gave her life for!"

- Atlas -

"You thought thar somewhere in this'd be safe from me.....from him,but look've gotten most of the Acadmey's students killed, your little posse, gone, and without that dragon your just dead weight" Faust scoffed as lookedbatbthe chained fox that laid on the floor in front of his ' throne ' "....Pathetic.....i gave you a fighting chance and you still couldn't best me, your armor may have advantage but without it your nothing " Faust walked past him dragging a blade behind him " I had plans for you.....but now i need no use for you now" he lifted his blade " Now die" were his final words spoken as he were to drive his weapon through the teens body but something,or someome blocked his blade " this, this is very very surprising.....why the sudden turn.....August"


So I've decided to end this book for now, but I'll be making the second book too this in a week or too. But this is the prologue to the second book so imagine what your mind wants to, but sorry this was short.

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