- Chapter 1 -

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It was a dark night on the streets of Vale, yet rather lively with people making last minute shoppping runs, or driving home, either way it was more bustling than it was in the day strangely enough; although one would say this was a faithful night.

" All I'm saying is that the movie wasn't exactly the best " Blake had sighed

" Your just upset that your man crush  didn't have a romance scene~ " Yang teased her partner who rolled her eyes

" In all though, i did like the fact we could all get out for once " Weiss had said

" Told you, you'd have fun today Weiss " Ruby grinned sheepishly and all before getting a glare from Weiss

The four girls chatted along as they made their way towards the Airship docks to take them back to Beacon, though as they passed an alley, they had caught glimpse of faunus cruelty. Two men,one in their thirties other maybe late twenties, both dressed in black suits, most likely drunk, were in the mist of beating a younger male faunus, who was around Blake's age. The older man in black had held the faunus by his hair,as the victim was already beaten bruised enough,on his knees with no strength to even move, barely able to keep his eyes open as blood drippes from his mouth. The girls saw this, the in shock at what they witnessed, Blake gritted her teeth as she watched, she were to do something if it weren't for Yang take the leap first (and Weiss holding her back shortly after Yang went ahead) Yang had grabbed the male with had the faunus in hand, quickly delivering a right hook to his face, sending him flying into a wall, as he had let go of the faunus before hand, to which Ruby, using her semlabce caught the faunus before he fell onto the ground."You bitch!" The younger attacker shouted, only to be gut punched by Yang, falling onto me " You disgust me..." Yang said. Blake had quickly went to examine the Faunus' injuries while Weiss had went to calm Yang do as she almost lashed out om the drunkies. " He's alive.....but unconscious" Blake sighed " He's medical attention quickly " Ruby looked at Blake." Then we'll have to take him to Beacon " "Ruby, you know we can't bring outsiders into the academy "Weiss replied to her team leader " But this is a life or death situation, Ozpin will understand, besides after he's recover he can go back to his life." Ruby said "....I don't think his life was that good " Blake spoke as she had covered her mouth, while Ruby and Weiss were speaking on the medical matter, Blake was examining the victims wounds, having removed his jacket she saw the horried effects of starvation. " What do you me-.....My god...." Yang was shocked seeing this as well she then shook her head quickly regaining her composure as to the others " We have no time to waste, let's hurry and get him treatment quickly." Yang had picked up the male Faunus, and quickly rushing off to the docks alongside her team.

[ Time Skip ]

After girls reached Beacon, they managed to have the school's nurse tend to the Fanus' wounds, she did not argue with them as she knew the cloest hospital would've taken them an hour to reach and they didnt have that time luckily she was just as certified to perform most things a doctor would.

Currently the girls stood outside the office, well at least Ruby,Yang,and Blake.Weiss had decided it would be her to negotiate with Ozpin on the matter, though everyone was shocked by this, she couldn't stand seeing cruelty like this first hand and not do something. Blake just stood troubled, pondering on what had happened to the boy they rescued " Blake he'll be fine..."Ruby said " I know.....it's just, there was a brand om the back of his neck....a number and a name that read ' Faust '....and I'm concerned that he isn't safe" She replied only to have Yang put a hand onher shoulder " Whatever Ozpin says, we'll still protect him, no one should be treated like this, neither branded like property.." Yang told her teammate who just smile reassured now. Yang had then felt something poking around near her cleavage. " The hell?" She reached and pulled out a small Dragon the size of her palm ".......what is this?"Yang blinked "Awwww it's soo small"Ruby had taken the dragon into her own hands and smiled "It looks like a Grimm" Blake raised an eyebrow " I've never seen a blue skinned Grimm before, let alone a dragon one " Ruby replied " Still may be a Grimm " Yang agreed before watching the Dragon knock it's head agaisnt the door to the nurse's room, as if it were trying to go somewhere, accompanied by little burst of whimpers. "You don't think that Dragon and that faunus are connected do you?" Ruby looked at her team ".....welp only one way to find out"Yang replied as the team all looked at one another before nodding

The Dragon of Remnant [ RWBY AU Fanfiction ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin