"Maybe." He says, biting his lip.

"Rachel!" Jordyn yells, peeking her head out of our doorway. The way the door to the Nando's boys suite is open blocks him from her sight completely. "You've been gone forever! We thought you got kidnapped and raped!" She yells, still not moving from the doorway. I look back to Mr. Curly, before looking back to Jordyn and saying, "One Minute."

"Our lovely contest winner, ladies and gentlemen." I say and get a laugh from Captain Curls-a-lot, "Rachel." I say extending my hand.

"Harry, nice to meet you, luv." He says with a smile and shakes my hand. "You should go, luv. Your friend sounds concerned." He says and looks into my eyes before letting go of my hand, still looking at my eyes.

"Alright, it was nice meeting you." I say with a smile and a slight wave, he smiles in return and bides me goodnight. I walk back to our room, I notice that the music is turned down, and Jordyn is just inside the doorway.

"Who was it?" She asks me.

"The guys from Nando's." I say and begin to walk to my room.

"The same ones? That's weird." Rebecca says.

"What were their names?" Eli asked.

"I don't know, only one answered the door. His name was Harry." I say stopping near my doorway and looking at them. They look at me, and each other before Rebecca says;

"You don't think..."

"No, it can't be." Eli says dismissively and turns his attention back to the T.V.

"But what if it is?!" Rebecca asks excitedly.

"I'll pretend like I know what you're talking about. I'm going to go to bed, y'all!" I say and walk into my room as they say goodnight to my back. I hear them burst into hushed conversation as I close my door. Whatever. I walk over to my bag and grab my book out of it, "Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" and begin to read. Slowly my eyelids begin to feel heavy, so I close my book, put my IPod on shuffle, and settle down beneath the covers.

"Rachel, Rachel, Rachel, Rachel, RACHEL WAKE THE HELL UP!" Jordyn screams while jumping up and down on my bed. She's excited.

"I'm up, I'm up." I say and shove her off the bed and she lands on the floor with a thud.

"THAT'S IT! RAPE TIME." She screams and throws herself on top of me, pinching me everywhere and tickling me.

"Ok!" I say when I have a little air in my lungs. "I'm sorry!"

"Good. Now get ready, we leave at 1." She says as she gets off me and walks out the door. I sigh and look at the digital clock on the bedside table. 11:30... Ok, I can deal.

First thing, I jump in the shower and wash out my hair with my favorite, orange-scented shampoo and conditioner. Once out and dry, I spray myself with Citrus scented body spray and put on Cucumber deodorant.

I look at the clock. 12:01. I pull out my outfit for the day, and put it on.


I then apply my makeup; Foundation, eyeliner, green eye shadow, mascara, and a bright blush. As a finishing touch, I add my favorite lemon scented Chap Stick. I'm walking out of my room, but as a second thought, I grab my hat.

I walk into the little living area and through to the kitchen. I check the fridge and take out the jug of milk. There's only one cereal I even recognize in the pantry, so I pull it out and pour myself a bowl.

"Dang chick!" Rebecca says, appearing out of nowhere. It scared me to the point of choking on my cereal.

"Becca, you scared me!" I say after I clear my throat.

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