Chapter 16

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I hug Andrew and hold him till I stop crying. Andrew has been so supportive and tolerant of me and my career. he told me if I love it, he would support me. if only Y/n could see the beautiful baby boy she gave birth to. everything about him reminds me of her

~8 years later~

Andrews 13 now and he's learned to keep track of my moments of panic when no one asked him to. he keeps track so he can be there to help. today we're just hanging out and I didn't expect him to ask the question he did,

"daddy, what was mom like?" after those words left his mouth I gulped "well, she was kind. she struggled a lot to keep herself alive, she had a lot of demons. but she was the kindest and soulful person you would have every met" I said remembering just how amazing my fiancée was 

"why did she leave?" Andrew asked "she didn't leave. she was taken, by her father. he took her somewhere no one could find her. all he wants to do is hurt mommy" I told him kneeling in front of him.

he looked down at me not knowing what to say next so I placed my hand on his cheek and said "if it was up to mom she wouldn't have left" I told him and he nodded while smiling 

"well I have to go to work so be good for the nanny okay?" he nodded smiling as he waved goodbye before turning around and going back inside

Andrew's POV

once daddy was gone I turned to my nanny Emily "lets play hide and seek" I said faking a smile and she nodded. she was seeking for 50 seconds cause this house is big. I went to my dads office and got on his computer and looked up my grandpa's name. it showed he own a ware house 20 miles away, just outside of town.

I printed it and folded it putting it in my back pocket before the door opened "found you" Emily said and I smiled. we played the game for a bit then we ate and I 'got ready for bed' when I knew Emily was asleep and daddy wasn't home yet I grabbed my backpack and stuffed it with  water and a few snacks that wont go bad. then I grabbed my pocket knife that I was borrowing from a friend next door.

I snuck out the front door and kept walking. I followed the directions on the piece of paper I printed. about 2 hours later I arrived. I looked at my watch and it said 2 am

I opened the door and slowly walked in. the thing about this place is that it looked like no one lived in it so I could blow it off as exploring if I got caught.

I searched every room in the warehouse in the next hour and found nothing. I sat on the floor in the biggest room next to the entrance and thought about what I should do next. I got up and was going to head home and get some sleep and try again another day

then I stepped on something that caught my ear. a creak. I looked down and noticed that floor bored was different from the rest. I bent over and listed it up to see and underground space with a ladder

it looked to be a single room. I slowly climbed down the ladder making sure the lid wouldn't close if I let go.

I saw someone in the corner. a woman. she was bruised and beaten, but she was asleep. I looked around the room as I slowly walked towards her. I saw tools, but the had blood all over everyone of them.

once I reached the lady I knelt down next to her sleeping body, luckily she had clothes on but they were bloody and torn.

I place my warm hand on her cold body and gently nudge her afraid I would break her "ma'am wake up" I said softly and soon there was a grunt and she brought her head out from her knees and I saw her face 


I recognize her from the pictures dad has around the house 

"now what's a little kid like you doing down here?" she asked her voice was destroyed which made me sad. I pulled out my phone and I didn't have signal. "I'm here to save you. but we need to get out of this hole first so I can call the police." I said and she nodded

The Truth That Was Never Told [Hoseok X Reader] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now