Chapter 6

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They looked so shocked I started to panic, what do I do in this situation? So I said the first thing that came to mind

"It's was just a joke, don't take it so seriously" I was disappointed in myself, I wanted them to know what I was going through but after the look on their faces I don't want them to know I might lose them too..

I started to fake laugh as everyone let out the air they were holding. "I'm curious now, what would you guys do if I was actually pregnant?" I asked looking down hoping they don't see the tears that are about to fall

"We'd be happy to have another addition to our little family" Jin said and everyone agreed

"What would you do if I told you what I said wasn't a joke, would you hate me?" Jimin gave me a compassionate look as tears start falling. Everyone's looking at me with love. i couldn't help what i was feeling i wanted to tell them so bad but something was keeping me back from telling them that i'm pregnant with my ex's and their best friends baby

what would they think of me?

"Y/n, we love you as family, you're like a sister to us" Namjoon said

"then why do i feel like you already  hate me for getting pregnant with Hobi's child" i say looking up from my hands and looking at them.

just then Jin pulled the car to the side of the road and came to the back of the van where i was sitting and hugged me. before i could say anything, the rest of the members followed Jins action and we sat there having a moment of everyone hugging me and trying to prove to me that they don't hate me

this is all still to much for me. i still haven't been able to wrap my head around being pregnant and now my best friends know. i don't know what to do next except stand here and let this happen. my body wont move from this spot, but i don't really mind

something about all the hugs just make me feel safe from the responsibility i now have of taking care of this child inside me. this is so huge, I've always wanted kids, so why aren't i happy about this? i should me thrilled but i'm not, i always imagined the father would be in the picture when i got pregnant but he's not even when i wish he was

why does this hurt so much? all my thought keep going back to Hobi and the break up...

life just isn't the same without him. oh how much i miss him. i want him back so much.

after a few more minute the boys let go and we talk before Jin started driving again, they dropped me off at my house. i said my goodbye and walked up to my house as they drove away.

i unlocked my door and walked inside to find someone sitting on my couch. i shut the door and start walking towards the couch, but once i see the persons face i wish i ran out that door when i could. i start to step away when he grabs my hand and brings be back to the couch. i should have slept at the boys dorm even with Hobi there

i just wish i never came home. i turn around to face the monster and i start staring daggers "come on don't look at me like that. i missed you and came to visit and you're going to treat me like this?"

it's my dad... he's back, and i wish he wasn't

"get the f#cked out...NOW!!" i yelled at him as i tried to escape his grip. but it didn't work he's to strong for me. "i guess i just need to teach you a lesson" he said. his words sent shivers down my spine, but i still try to escape refusing defeat 

he throws me on the couch and when i tried to get back up he beat me. he never changes, he's the same old monster he was when i left him 4 years ago. but he keeps coming back for more and i'm sick and tired of this. why can't i just live my life the way i want to without all the abusive people in it.

this needs to change now

i get up and jump over the back of the couch and run as fast as i possibly can towards the door, but i guess i wasn't fast enough, cause he caught me. i looked back into his eyes and his eyes said he was about to kill someone, that in its self sent a shiver down my spine again.

someone please save me... i'm scared...

just then i heard a knock on the door, who could that be at almost 9 pm? i can't see the person through the window, i'm to far away

"Y/n, it's me Hoeseok. i have something to tell you, please open up" he said through the door. i opened my mouth to scream but my dad was one step ahead of me and covered my mouth before i could ruin his plan. but that didn't stop me from trying. my screams came out as muffled but it was all worth it if i could just get to Hobi in some way to let him know i'm in trouble before i get more cuts and bruises 

apparently my struggle didn't go to waist "is everything okay in there?" he asked and i was able to slip my dads hand off of my mouth for a split second. so i yelled as loud as i could "HELP!!!" just then i was slapped by my fathers hand

just then the door went flying open i looked over to see Hobi in the door way. he kicked the door in. my hero...he came up to me and punch my dad so hard he fell back and hit his head really hard.

we rushed out and got into his car. we sat there in silence for a minute then i turned to him to apologize but instead he kissed me

The Truth That Was Never Told [Hoseok X Reader] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now