Chapter 2

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once i got out of class, there was a wild Hobi waiting for me at my locker "what do you want?" i ask in a kind of joking way, he smiles at me, its so bright, why is his smile so cute?

"come on don't be like that" He said I start walking away "yah! Come back Y/n!" He yelled after me.

just as i was walking by an old class room, some one grabbed my hand and pulled me in, i didn't get a good look at their face but i have a good guess, Matt (boyfriend), as soon as i was in the class room he pinned me to the wall and started kissing my neck 

"stop it! don't do this, not now!" i said whisper yelling, trying not to draw to much attention to us just in case Hobi's on the other side of that door..i don't want him to know about any of this

we tell each other everything, but i don't tell him the about the bad stuff.. i don't want him to know what i used to deal with.

"you're my toy, so let me play with you" Matt told me "don't call me a toy, no one owns me" just then he puts his hand over my mouth. "shut up, or i'll hurt you" he whispered while leaving kisses all the way down my body, just then i hear the bell for class ring. i'm going to be late, Hobi's going to wonder where i am.. i don't have my make up to cover up the new cuts and bruises that i already know he's going to leave behind..

i have no choice once again, he's stronger then me..


Matt already left, we missed 2 classes, both of which i had with Hobi.. i'm still in this class room trying to find the energy to see this day through, but i'm running out of energy. i cant do this anymore, is what i think as i start sobbing in the corner on the floor, how am i going to face people anymore?

i put my clothes back on and walk outside, it seems like classes are done for the day. i walk to my locker to find Hobi, when i walked up to him he looked worried "what happened to you? you have cuts everywhere"

"i fell down the stairs, i missed class cause i was sent to the nurses office" i respond, smiling trying to hide the fact that i'm really depressed right now "then why are your eyes swollen?"he asks which comes as a bit of a shock

"it just really hurt is all"

"why wont you tell me the truth?"

"i am"

"no you aren't, after class i checked the nurses office, i thought you were hurt, but the nurse said no one has come in all day. so whats really going on?"

i didnt want to tell him so i kept silent and started walking home, Hobi being Hobi followed me

once i reached my front door, i unlocked it and left it open for Hobi.. what i'm not just going to leave him outside

"how did you get those cuts?" he asked as he sat on my bed while i looked for some clothes to change into "i told you i fell"

"it looks worse then that" he says, i started to change, as i lifted my shirt above my head i heard his voice behind me "where'd you get that" he say pointing at my side. i looked to where he was pointing and saw the big bruise i got last night, i quickly cover i up with my hands, the foundation must have came off when i was sweating 

he walks up to me and yanks my hands away from my body and saw all the scars the foundation was supposed to hide but didn't. "Y/n who did this to you?" he looked like he was about to cry as he saw all the scars spread across my body

"what can i say i'm clumsy" i say shrugging, trying to act like its not a big deal, he let go of my arms and i turn around, he goes back to my bed and sits, i start to remember the story's behind all these scars, all the nights i was left alone after someone robbed me of the little bit of pride i have left. my vision gets blurry as i realize i'm crying

i quickly bring my hands up to my eyes and wipe away the tears, i try to stop them but they keep coming and i cant help it "are you okay?" he asks turning me around. "yeah..i'm fine" i say continue to wipe away endless tears

he hugged me close "who did this to you?" he asks, but just then my phone rang, i picked it up after looking at the caller ID that was labeled "Matt"


"yeah, i'm coming over tonight, and i'm bringing some friends so make sure you look nice. i'll be there in 10"

then he hung up, i turned to Hobi "you have to leave now" i say "not till you tell me whats wrong" 

"there is nothing wrong, i have some friends coming over. you wont like them and they wont like you, so i'm saving you" 

"i'm not leaving" i give up and go change.. again, then i put on some make up. i go back to Hobi "please leave" i begged but he wouldn't budge, he looks so cute when he stands his ground but i gotta get him out of here

just then i heard the door bell, shoot its them "please, just go into the back yard or something, i cant have you here right now" if he see's whats about to go down things wont end well "not till you tell me who these people are"

"my boyfriend and his friends"

"is you're boyfriend the one who did this to you?" I stay silent "can you please leave?"

"Fine, but once I get back you're telling me everything"

The Truth That Was Never Told [Hoseok X Reader] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now