Chapter 10

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I continue to shake as I stare at what I think is the door, I couldn't tell, I heard a door opening but there was no light coming through, it's just all dark. just then something or someone grabbed my face with their hand and made me look back and forth back and forth.

I think their looking at my face but I cant see a thing cause of this stupid blind fold. I pull my face out of his grip and look at the ground "look at what you've become, pitiful" the voice says, I quickly look up expecting to see a human but I see nothing but darkness.

I know that voice, my why cant I put a name to it? "what do you not remember me?" they ask. wait, it cant be him no way I got to find a way out. I cant stay here if he's here. tears started to fill my eyes and spill over yet the blind fold soaked them up so they couldn't made their way down my cheeks.

I move my arms as much as I could and try to escape. just then he grabs both my hands and pins them down to the chair "you cant escape, and even if you escaped this chair, there are guards at every door and hallway, how will you get out from there?" he asks and he's right if I somehow get out of this chair and over power him how will I get out? I'm pregnant there's no way I could get out of here safely

I look down as the tears started up again so he wouldn't see that I'm scared, I clench my fists to try and stop myself from shaking.

"now if you excuse me, I have some things to do, like plan out how I'm going to kill those twins of yours after you give birth in here, lets see if you can survive child birth on your own, but more importantly, lets see if the twins survive" he says with a soft laugh as he was about to leave I asked

"how could you do this, I thought you were better then that Matt"

I couldn't see it but I felt his smirk. he always loved to watch me suffer. why does he have to do this to me now of all days, he must have been watching me and waiting for the perfect time to get me before the twins were born. that jerk, I'll never forgive him for this.

I tried tugging on the rope one last time hoping for a miracle that I knew would never happen, but I part in me actually thought I'd get out of here, but that's a bit unbelievable since most people who are kidnapped never return home to their family's which is sad 

I start to lose hope as I give into the reality that I might never see Hobi again and our twins will probably die in this dump along with me. but there's still a part of me that know Hobi is still looking for me through this fog

~A Few Days Later~

he took my blind fold of a couple hours ago to finally let me see what was left of my pale body, I can feel that my body's ready to give birth when I start having contractions, their painful, but that's what I expected from these twins. life isn't going to be easy for them, its going to be hard from day one, and that's what hurts me the most to think about

Matt walks into the room as the contractions start getting worse "you're in pain and I love it, it's written all over your face" he says with a evil grin that I honestly hate, I wish I could smack it right off his face, but that would make him angry, and it'll make everything worse for me and the twins to I hold myself back even though there are ropes doing that for me already.

but if I get out of here I'm going to make sure the police know everything he ever did to me, and if I die in here I'll make sure to haunt him from the grave. but never the less death still scares me no matter the way I die I just don't like the idea of death and he knows that that's why he's acting like this towards me and my baby's

I hate that he can see my pain but I'm a pregnant women about to give birth and he's making me angry so I glare at him as hard as I can. sweat starts to cover my body as I feel the twins coming, but the only problem is I'm sitting on a chair.

Matt leaves the room letting me have some privacy, thankfully. I slide down my chair as much as possible to the they could come out I'm glad I wore a dress when I got kidnapped (A/n: why am I cringing writing this???) 

~30 Minutes later~

their laying on the floor wet and cold and I cant get to them, I've been trying to saw and chew through these ropes as much as possible since the day I got here. and I think their finally weak enough where if I pull on the they will break and I can cuddle my children 

I pull as hard as I can and break free, but it was really hard seeing as I didn't have much strength left to pull considering I just gave birth to twins.

the twins started to cry as I rushed to them and pulled them into my arms to warm them up as much as possible. I stayed on the ground arms wrapped around them

that's what it was like for the next few days.

~Sometime Later~

I was feeding the twins when lily wouldn't drink anything I got scared, what if she's ill, what if she has something that will keep her from living her life, what if she's too weak to keep going, what if I haven't fed her enough

just then the door was forced open to see Matt stomp in towards me I closed my eyes bracing myself for impact but soon after an officer came in and took him away, the paramedics came in after that and I yell.

"it's lily, she's weak and hasn't been eating" I say tears flowing down my cheeks. just then Hobi ran in and pulled me in for a hug being careful not to crush our baby boy "I'm glad you're okay" he said and I smiled, "so I've been thinking.. how about Andrew?" I asked Hobi referring to naming our baby boy and he nodded with a smile agreeing that the name suits him

I told him about what's happening with lily and he seemed to be more worried then I was, but we have the right to worry as much as we want cause their our children.

The Truth That Was Never Told [Hoseok X Reader] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now