Chapter 15

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the next few days were really hard to get through with me and the guys. I told them what happened and how my beautiful Y/n left us once again. I wish this world would stop trying to tear us apart

well today marks 1 month since she left, I've been trying to keep up with Andrew and his needs, trying to be happy for him. but even though I put on a mask he still seems to see through it. on my worst days he doesn't cry as much and instead just wants to be in my arms. 

he has Y/n's personality. I can see that even if he's 4 mouths old, every time I look at him I see Y/n in every part of him, he's beautiful like her, he has her smile oh and they both love to smile, he's caring, he loves people even though he's a 4 month old baby who might never really know what love is

I guess Y/n leaving has been really hard for all of us, Andrew, the boys, and me. I just got her back and she left again.

what else do I have to do to keep her by my side? the police have been searching for her and trying to get more leads but he didn't leave anything behind when he took her.

~6 months later~

it's been 7 months since she left. I think the police are about to give up think its worthless. but she's not worthless, she's my everything, so I will do everything I can to get my girl back. Andrew turned 1 a today so it's getting easier to take care of him, he's not scream every hour.

the older he gets the more he reminds me of her, or is it just the fact I miss her to much?

just then I got an idea. so I called up the guys. once they answered my voice went serious "I have an idea. we should start posting on social media, to see if anyone knows anything. we have about 121k on twitter" I started to talk to them about it thinking cause we're idols we might be able to help out the police

~5 years later~

Andrew 6 now, he's the happiest 6 year old. this idol thing for me and the boys is getting really seriously so I'm only home for Andrew 3 days a week.

I wonder how the nanny's doing with him right now. is the thought that crosses my mind as I sit in a desk chair talking to the police officer about Y/n's case. he said that it's be good to give up and let go, cause if she was kidnapped she's probably be dead by now, cause normally victims of kidnapping don't last more then a year

it hurt my heart to even think about giving up on her. I don't wont do it. not yet. she deserves better. 

at that I got up and left the station. I walked home that night cause I didn't feel like taking a cab. when I got home Andrew met me in the kitchen I picked him up and dismissed the nanny.

he had a piece of paper in his hands which didn't surprise me, he usually draws me little picture like every kid does when their growing up. he handed it to me as I sat him on the counter and read what it said. 

what shocked me was that it wasn't his or the nanny's hand writing. I read the note still wondering who wrote it and why 

To: My Love Hobi

I'm so sorry, is all I have to say. I can't right much, my dads outside wanting to take me away again. the reason I hid Andrew in the pantry was cause I didn't want him to be damaged just like me, no one deserves that kind of pain. 

I just hope you forgive me for leaving you behind.  

I hope Andrew grows up in the best home you can give him. and I hope you guys become the best idols there ever was. cause I believe in you guys to change the world that need changing weather you think you can or not just remember nor matter dead or alive I will forever always believe in you Andrew and the boys.

I come back soon I promise. I love you and Andrew so much and don't forget me


From: Y/n

this can't be right. it's from Y/n "where did you find this?" I asked Andrew "I found it in the pantry. once I found out what it said I thought you might wanna know too" he said with a smile. I hugged him, I wrapped my arms around him in a way that I hopped I never would have to see him leave too.

now that Y/n's gone he's all I got, and I don't want to lose him I don't want to lose any one ever again. I lost the love of my life and I'm surprised I'm still standing, if I lost Andrew my world would be over, BTS would be the only I would have to live for and I don't even think that'd be enough to keep me on this earth

as I hug Andrew tears start to scream down my face, this is the first time I've felt sad enough to cry since Y/n left. Andrew wrapped his arms around me and patted my bad as if to say to let it all out

"she's gone" I said in tears sobbing. I try to wipe my tears away as my legs go numb and I fall to the ground. I hit the ground with my fist and I watch my tears hit the ground with my blurry vision.

"why did it have to be her??" then it went quiet "huh? WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE MY Y/N???" I screamed as I couldn't hold it in I brought my hands back up to my eyes with a throbbing fist from hitting the ground over and over in rage

just then I pair of arms wrapped themselves around my body as I sat there on the floor with my world falling apart. "it's going to be okay dad" it was Andrew, I slowly wrapped my arms around Andrew and sobbed into his tiny little shoulder.

will life ever get better

for me?

for you?

for us?

for, anyone?

The Truth That Was Never Told [Hoseok X Reader] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now