Chapter 4

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"why didn't you just tell me" he said as he put his arm around my shoulders and walked back inside "i was afraid" he looked at me a bit confused "of what?" 


"i would never reject you"

"see i didn't know you loved me too" i said as he reached over and hugged my still bruised body "is this the only thing you've hid from me?"

"no" he gave me a sad look, i don't know how to tell him. he thinks all these scars are from Matt, but some of them are from before and during high school when i met Hobi "what are you hiding?" he asked. there is no way i'm getting out of this one. good job Y/n you opened your fat mouth 

"okay... just.. prepare yourself" i said and he nodded. welp here we go..

"my dad was abusive" i state first. before i could say another word Hobi pulled me in for a hug, and he held me like that while i told the rest of the story.

"and when my mom died it got worse, i didn't have any siblings or friends growing up. you're the first"

"how'd your mom die?" he's going for details. i start to tear up, tears flow down my cheeks as i struggle to speak her cause of death, its to pain full 

"suicide"  i say through the tears, Hobi pulls away from me and gave me shocked look, then he pulled me on top of him as he laid down on the couch for comfort, he never leg go of me. and that in it's self was comforting.

"she couldn't take the bruises and cuts that came with the relationship with my dad, so s-she killed herself... and i w-watched it happen" i started to cry more remembering the moment in time when i say my mom at the edge of our pool with my dads gun to her temple

it felt like i was reliving the moment i started to shake as the flash back clouded my vision and i started to hyperventilate, i think Hobi noticed cause his arms around me got a bit tighter.

"its okay, its in the past, you're in the present right now" he whispered in my ear, i realized that i just had another attack "and cause of that moment.. i now have PTSD" i say through the tears 

"is your dad locked up?" i shook my head no at his question " when i was 10 people used to call me the human punching bag at school. its cause i showed up everyday with more bruises and cuts then before, if someone called the police, he'd say he didn't have a kid. he was never caught" this is the first time i told anybody anything about my past..

i continued to cry as Hobi held me "why didn't you ever tell me?"

"cause i was afraid you'd be afraid of me and my family" he held me tighter. after a while i thank him and he kissed me, and i fell asleep 

~3 Weeks Later~

i woke up in my bed, i go to get up and start getting ready for the day, i broke up with Matt almost 3 weeks ago. but just then  something stopped me from getting up, i pair of strong arms? i turn over to see Hobi and then all the memories of last night come back to me, i look down at his body realizing he doesn't have a shirt on, or pants, which made me blush

then i look down at my body and realize all i'm wearing is his shirt, then it hit me.. the  time we had last night, i blush more just thinking about what we did

i'm a few inches away from him so i try not to put my hands anywhere he wouldn't want them, but then i start to blush cause i realized i was staring at his shirtless upper body. just then we pulled me closer, but some how i still manage to be awkward with where to put my hands

then he opens his eyes and and saw me and how awkward i was being, he chuckled "its okay if you touch me" (A/n: why did i cringe when i typed that??!?!?!?!)

just then i heard a knock on the door, i didn't know who it was till my phone beeped, it was Matt, he was at the door, and he still has a key to the house cause he refused to return it

then i heard stomping, he must be in the house oh no, i shook Hobi but he wouldn't wake up "Hobi, Matt's here wake up" i got nothing, he just continued to sleep. just then the door flew open

Matt was standing there "Hoseok i thought i'd find you here" he said sending a smirk my way. Hobi sat up and leaned against the head bored, half of his body still covered. i don't know what Matt's up to but i don't like it

i sent the man a glare as he walked closer to the bed and sat down "what do you want Matt?" i ask as i keep a close eye on him "i should be asking you that" he shoots back and i give him a confused look "don't give me that look, you now what i'm talking about, you're the one who's trying to sleep with every guy in school, while sleeping with Hoseok" my eyes widened

i look over at Hobi and his eyes are filled with hurt and disgust, he doesn't believe that does he? "and why should we believe you?"

"because i have proof" that cant possibly be true. but before i know it he pulls out his phone and starts playing audio that sounds like 2 people having sex. but that wasn't me. i never did that and i never will.

once it was done Hobi had anger written all over his face. he grabbed his stuff and right before he left i stood and grabbed his arm "i thought you were better then this Y/n" he said yanking his arm out of my hand "that's cause i am" i state as he walked away, Matt went after him trying to act like a good friend

i fell to my knee's and started crying, sobbing actually. he left right before my eyes and i did nothing to save this relationship 

The Truth That Was Never Told [Hoseok X Reader] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now