Chapter 5

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i sit there on the floor and try not to give into the temptation of old habits.

i just cry and cry and cry, i was thinking of who i could call for some sort of support, then i thought i could text on of the boys, then it hit me Jin, i could text Jin. he'd  believe me right...?

i went to call him but i was blocked by every member, Hobi must have already told them.

i guess i'm alone with this one...

~1 month later~ 

I've gained a few pounds after the break up, i'm not fully over him yet. i still cry about what happened. it hurts a lot knowing he didn't trust me.

today i have to go to school. so i have to suck it up and act like i'm not hurting, cause i have to smile, my smile will encourage others to keep fighting, and i don't need people to tell me that, cause i just know.

i don't show people i'm weak cause then they start to label me, the only one who can label me is me.

just then i rushed to the bathroom feeling sick. when i come out i finish getting ready, that's not the first time it happened, i haven't seen a doc about it cause i haven't had any other symptoms. eh who cares i'll stop by later to see if it's anything serious. i graduate next week so i don't have much to worry about when it comes to missing school

i walk to school, i passed Hobi when i walked inside, he ignored me. like i wasn't even there. it still hurts.

~After School~

i decided i should write Hobi a note saying i was sorry, maybe then he'll talk to me and i could explain what really happened.. maybe then he'll love me again. a tear slipped down my cheek at the thought of him moving on

hey Hobi, its me Y/n. i just wanted to say i didn't sleep with any of those men. i know you wont believe me so i just wrote this for you telling you i'm going to the doctors after school.

love Y/n

i slipped the note into his locker and walked away, when i turned back i saw him crumple it up and throw it away. i let a small tear slip as i walked passed the school gates. i started walking to my doctors before someone can see me cry. why does life always get harder

but the one thing i know for sure is that i can get through this.

i walk into the doctors office, in the next 20 minutes i'm called back. i sit down in a chair and wait for the doctor to come in. when she does he has me take a urine text, i don't know why but i'm just doing what the doc says

once she comes back with the results she has a smile, that must mean there is nothing wrong..right?

"congratulations" she said with a smile. i gave her a confused look "what do you mean?"

"you're pregnant" i was shocked after she said those 2 words. i scan back over my thoughts trying to think who the father might be. then it hit me... Hobi... that night was such a surprise for both of us, we weren't prepared. 

oh no what have i done?

i'm pregnant with the love of my life's child, and at the moment he and my best friends hate my guts.

"you are 1 month along. we can go over your plan for the baby right now if you'd like" i nod "okay so first off, is the father in the picture?" i shake my head "do have a place to live?" i nod "okay"

she told me what i needed for the baby when it comes and how to get it.

as i was walking out of her office there sat Taehyung in the waiting room. he looked at me with concern. i ran up and hugged him, he hugged back. does  this mean i'm not alone anymore? "i came to see if you were okay, i heard you were going to the doctors"

"yeah i'm fine. for now. life's just really getting on my nerve right now" i say as i start to tear up, i'm happy i'm pregnant don't get me wrong, buts its the wrong time. "you wanna talk about it on the ride home? the others are waiting in the car" my eyes widened when he said 'others'

does that mean Hobi came?

i grabbed his hand and rushed out hoping Hobi was there... but he wasn't. everyone was there but Hobi. just then it got to much for me to handle and i started crying right there in front of everyone. Jin came up to comfort me, he hugged me and rubbed my back as i cried.

"i don't know what to do anymore guys" i say through my sobbing. i pulled away from the hugged and looked at everyone, they looked a bit confused "what happened in there Y/n" Taehyung asked. i dried my tears and looked at them trying to find the courage to say what needs to be said without crying again 

they looked back at me with sadness in their eyes. "where's Hobi?" i asked "he didn't want to come. he still thinks you cheated" Namjoon stated.

"oh" i said sounding a bit disappointed cause i was. "Y/n whats the matter?" Yoongi asked. I've been standing here like an idiot crying while they've been waiting for an answer. "i'm not... okay" i say as i back a way a bit afraid they would judge me for being such a child. and having a child.

"guys lets get some ice cream. maybe that will cheer her up" Jungkook said, so we did just that, after we got ice cream Jimin started poking my stomach making fun of my extra pounds "hey at least i have an excuse" i say, then i realize what i just said "what do you mean?" jungkook in the seat in front of me asks and everyone's eyes were on me

"heh, i mean i'm pregnant"

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