Chapter 11- Dinner

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Red's POV

I felt much better that Robbin talked it through with me, I just have to be more careful next time

We walk back into the palace, and go get ready for dinner. I was so hungry and excited for it to give me time to refresh my brain

I had no clue what Mrs Potts had cooked for us all, but her food is so delicious, I cannot resist. It makes my mouth water thinking about it so I should get ready instead. Not being able to wait

Aaron was waiting out side for me, "Hey, you look great," he says, kissing my cheek

"Aww, that's sweet thank you," I smile walking down with him. I knock on Robbin's door and opens it, "I'm ready," she says

"Let's go then, this is gonna be great," I reply. walking down with them all

Arriving in the dinner hall, Beast and Belle were there already. "Hello you lot, glad you could come down and join us for dinner"

I smile as I loved spending time with them, especially as them being my mum and dad in law

We all take our sheets as Mrs Potts comes in, "Well hello your majesty's and Miss Robbin, food is ready now so will bring it out to you" she greets and explains as she walks back in the kitchen

"So, I bet all of you guys are tired from today, so I'll let you go as soon as you have finished the food," Belle says

Right on cue, the food comes out and it smelt good. No, more then good, amazing

"Dig in," Belle says as we all fill our plates

Robbin and me had the most, of course, because we gotta eat

But I notice Beast still glaring at Robbin, she hasn't even done anything wrong, well, that I know of

Belle then notices and speaks up changing the subject, "so, me and your father Aaron have been thinking and have decided that you don't have to be doing any reading of books that you do not like and can therefore read whatever you want"

I see Aaron smile, "that's amazing, thank you you two. I really appreciate it"

"Glad you are happy about it, Aaron. You can share them with Red and Robbin, well, while Robbin stays with us anyway"

I notice Beast roll his eyes and looks at Robbin, not wondering why. I would let it slide for now

A/N: that is chapter 11 of 'Red Riding Hood and Robbin Hood'

Will Red find out why Beast was glaring at red?

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