Chapter 9: Incodent

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Red's POV
The next morning, I was lying in bed until Aaron stands up and gasps. "Aaron, What is wrong?"

"Blood, everywhere"

I get up quickly and see the blood, on my side of the bed, on my cloak that was on the pillow. Blood tracks leading from the door to my side. "What have you done?" Aaron asks

"I don't know, I had my cloak on when I went to sleep, I'm sure of it... I swear"

I put my cloak back on and go to wipe the blood off of it from the bathroom.

I did sleep with my cloak on, I'm 100% sure of it. What's going on?

The door opens and we hear a few more gasps. "What's happened here?! Beast screams as I run out

"Red darling, did you wear your cloak last night?" Belle asks

"I swear I did, I slept with it on. I don't think I did this"

Robbin walks in. "What happ... Oh, Red, are you ok?" She walks over to me

I start to cry slightly, "I d-don't know, I-I s-swear I wore it when I went to s-sleep" She hugs me

"It's ok, don't worry. We'll think of something, don't worry"

Mrs Potts then runs in and shouts, "one of the horses, dead, in the stables..."

"What?!" Beast shouts as he rushes out of the room. We all follow after him

After getting to the stables, there the horse was, not thunder but the other horse. Lying lifeless on the floor, blood spluttered up the stable walls, staining the wood, could see its rib cage with flies around it

"Oh my god, this is horrible. It stinks so bad" Aaron says

I didn't know I could do this much damage to a horse, I have no idea what is going on!

"We need to get this cleaned up as quickly as possible, lets get the horses out and we'll clean this mess up. Let's go!" Beast shouts as he walks out with Belle

I was so confused and upset at the same time, what if I am losing control of my wolf? "Are you ok Red?"

"Yeah, sort of, I just don't get it. I am sure I had my cloak on, I'm sure of it" I say, confused

"Maybe it just slipped off or it fell of maybe. You'll be ok, it's only once" Robbin says, trying to reassure me

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks Robbin" I say. I still felt like it was my fault if my wolf did actually do it.

We walk out of the stables as we couldn't take it no more, the stench just grew and grew.

What if there was a reason why this is happening, like someone knew this happened? I don't know

"Robbin, can I talk to you please?"

"S-sure, we'll be back" I say to Aaron

"Ok, see you in a bit" he reply's as he kisses my cheek and walks off

Me and Robbin walk out of the village, and over to the hill by the woods. Both of us sit down while looking at the palace. "So Robbin, I just wanted to talk about, you know, what happened" She nods.

"Go ahead"

"Basically, I really don't get what has happened as it has never happened before. I just, can't get my head around it. The only time this is happened was..." I stop as Robbin doesn't know

"Please tell me, I won't tell anyone"

I sigh, "ok, so when I was younger, when my granny gave me my cloak. And one night, I forgot to wear it and I killed a man called Mr Jonah and his livestock. There was blood everywhere, claw marks, organs spurted everywhere, the sight was horrible. So I had to run, run as fast as I could as far away as I could, because the hunters were after me with pitch forks and torches. I was so scared, so that's why I didn't see you for ages, I was in hiding" I break down in tears

"Hey hey, it's ok Red. I'm here now aren't I?" Robbin says, putting her hand on my shoulder. I then hug her and she hugs back. "It was just an accident this time, I'm sure it won't happen again. I know it"

I smile as I get out of the hug and we walk back towards the palace

"Red, I'll beat you there" Robbin says, transforming and running away

"Oh no you won't!" I shout, transforming and running after her.

I manage to catch up with her but she runs faster until I couldn't catch her up anymore.

We both arrive back to the village and transform back before walking back in. "So, tired..." I say, out of breath.

"Me too" Robbin says, I giggle. Aaron was over talking to his mum in the village.

"Oh Red, Robbin, where have you two been?" Belle asks

"We were just over at the hill" Robbin reply's

"Alright that's fine, we have had the stables cleaned and the body disposed of so the horses are back in there." I look down as I felt really bad about what happened but it shouldn't happen again, right?
A/N: that is chapter 9 of 'Red Riding Hood and Robbin Hood'

Is Robbin in with this or did it actually happen?

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