Chapter 19: Can't Please Everyone

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The ceiling fan kisses my skin with a cool breeze. The covers reach up to my chin, due to the A/C. Too lazy to get my ass out of bed to shut it off. Laying in this bed, I wonder what I'm doing with myself? I'm here to get away from my problems, but I'm only causing more. Life is fucked.

I try to remember the events of last night, but nothing in particular stands out. The last thing I remember, was when Jason and I were thrashing at each other. How angry he had appeared yesterday was so hypocritical. He can have a damn girlfriend, but I can't have fun and make out with Gavin? Men. That's all I have to say about that.

Really though, how in the heck did I get home? Maybe Chenelle found me outside on a bench, laying down naked or something. I probably refused to get dressed, so she gave up, called Dusty and took me back here. I don't blame her for not clothing me, but man she could've at least brushed my teeth. I know, I know, I'm an adult. Sometimes adults makes stupid choices too.

Cutting through my thoughts, the hotel door clicks shut. I hop out of bed so quick that my vision goes black. Becoming dizzy, falling to the floor, I hit my head off the nightstand. "Oh you mother-". I remember that someone is in here, so I clamp my mouth shut.

It's most likely a housekeeper, but I have a Do Not Disturb sign on the door. I could be in here with my really hot husband, fucking him like its our last time together. They already know I'm a lonely bitch. She doesn't get laid. Maybe I don't, but I could very well be masturbating.

"Housekeeping! Wake up mothafucka!" Oh god, this better be some expert cleaning if I'm going to be disturbed like this. I locked the bedroom door before lying down. I knew she was going to pull some insane shit like this.

Rattling at the door, I throw a pillow towards it. "Leave Chenelle! I'm not in the mood.", expressing. I shove my face in the remaining pillow.

Silence, that is until more rattling occurs. Why does she have to be so stubborn? What am I even saying? I'm the stubborn one here. Chenelle jams the key card through the door, magically unlocking it. I should've set a chair underneath the handle. Or just placed the dresser in front of the door. Maybe that would hold her off. She would just go get Jacob to assess the situation.

Chenelle is surrounded by light spilling in from the rest of the hotel space. She enters the darkness, joining me. Freshly washed hair that smells of watermelon and sweet pea, descending throughout, covering up the depression that once lingered here.

Her hair looks like sunshine, bright and powerful. Straight to a tee, not one kink. Going for a happy look I suppose. She's wearing a gorgeous floral dress, not something I could ever pull off. White heels to go with. This girl knows how to accentuate.

Lights flicker on, I scrunch my eyes together, adjusting to the light that now shows her face. Bare, just like mine, not a smudge of makeup. "God Chenelle. Why do you always have to be so damn happy?" I know why, it was a rhetorical question. She's happily married with two beautiful boys, has her own house, and doesn't have to work. That would make me happy too.

"I'm getting tired of pulling your sorry ass out of bed. Stop moping around and let's go have fun. That's why we are here!" I stare at her, no expression on my face. What's so fun about being away from my son? The fact that he is upset with me only intensifies the gloomy mood.

Chenelle stands there with one hand on her hip as she shifts her weight to her left foot, giving me the look. I know that look all too well. That's the doesn't take shit from anyone look. Not wanting to mess with her, I hurry up and hop out of bed. Still in the same clothes from earlier.

"No, no you got it all wrong. You are not wearing that. Who the hell dresses you? Worse than my mother for crying out loud. Sydney you are twenty-five years old. Dress like it! Show that body off girl!" I roll my eyes. I'm as insecure as anyone else. Don't feel the need to show too much. My body isn't as hot as most.

Chenelle starts raging through my closet. Ripping shirts off their hangers, throwing them on the floor. "You better be picking that up, you housekeeping bitch." Ignoring my snide remark, she gathers a pair of high waisted dark jean shorts. Then a cotton black crop top, throwing it on the bed.

A dark green flannel follows, bringing back a flash of a memory. One that I've tried so hard to burry, but I kept the flannel because it reminded me of him. The man I couldn't have. Black tennis shoes to match. "Chenelle, we aren't in high school anymore. What kind of hipster shit is this?" Right away she slaps my arm. I open my mouth out of shock.

"Might want to close your mouth Sydney. I wouldn't want you to catch dick." I cough, almost choking. "Oops looks like it already happened, you're about to choke." I start laughing, and does it feel good to do so.

"Seriously though, just wear it. It's comfy, sexy, and innocent. What more could you ask for?" I guess she's right. It shows just enough skin but not too much. It won't be uncomfortable either that's for sure.

Grabbing the clothes from the bed, I scurry along to the bathroom. Dressing myself with Chenelle's chosen outfit. If I don't wear what she wants, I won't be leaving this room. Might as well make Mom happy.

Once I'm all set, I look at my reflection. Chenelle was right, this is a cute outfit. I don't feel as insecure as I usually do. To complete the outfit, I grab my earrings off the vanity, along with a necklace. For my hair, I swoop it up into a messy pony tail, framing my face with some loose strands. Applying mascara and Chapstick only.

Deodorant and other hygiene necessities swarm my body. Brushing my teeth, Chenelle starts to bang on the bathroom door. "Hurry up in there woman! Or we're going to miss the g-. Gilligan's Island. I totally meant to say Gilligan's Island." She is one weird girl. But she's my weird girl. I'm not even going to question her plans, I trust her.

Stepping out, I find Chenelle looking at me like I'm a changed woman. I've never felt so young and free. "Girl, you look fuckin' hot let me tell you."

The compliment boosts my esteem. "Thank you. So, what are we doing anyway?"

"Just let me worry about that."

What does Chenelle have planned? How is Sydney going to make this up to Axel? Thank you all for reading!

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