#71 | Sleepy Sunsets

Start from the beginning

"Spending time with you is what I look forward to after a long day of filming and editing." He ran his fingers through my hair, curling the wavy ends around his finger.

"My favorite girl." His sweet toned voice echoed through my mind as I drifted off into a deep sleep.


A cold, misty breeze blew my hair into my face. I involuntarily scrunched up my nose and moved my hair away from my eyes. When I fluttered my lids open, I expected to see Colby looking down at me.

But he wasn't.

My head was no longer nestled on his lap, and his fingers were no longer in my hair.

"Babe?" I sat up, looking to see if he was asleep on the other side of the blanket.

He wasn't.

I looked around, noticing that the beach was completely empty. No one could be seen for miles. As I stood up, I realized that Colby's backpack was gone, along with the boards.

The temperature had cooled down significantly and the wind was starting to pick up. The palm trees roared as the strong whistling breeze shook its leaves. I turned my attention to the pier, as the fresh ocean-spray hit the side of my face and left minuscule salt grains in my hair.
The once bright, neon lit-up Ferris Wheel was now completely dull, and no longer running. All of the rides were completely shut off, leaving me to wonder if something had happened while I was asleep.

Something bad, perhaps.

"Colby where are you?" I shivered as the darkness crept in.

I began to fear that I had been left here overnight, alone and unprotected. But, that wasn't like Colby. He would never leave me alone like this, to fend for myself in the dark. Not in a place like this, and definitely not so far away from home.

I reached in my pocket for my phone and quickly remembered that I had put it in Colby's backpack for safe-keeping. Nice going, smartass. The only light source I had, besides the moonlight, were the streetlights placed along the pier.

As I was making my way up to the pier, a faint holler grabbed my attention.

"Colby?" I shouted back, stopping dead in my tracks.

The noise trailed all the way from the sea. The waves that crashed on the shore were the only clue that the ocean was there in the first place. The lack of lighting prevented me from locating anything in the water. Hesitantly, I approached the shoreline, yet anything farther than 6 feet from here would blend into pitch blackness. It was practically a dark, endless void. My fear of being lost at sea increased times a hundred.

"Help me..."

There it was again. That faint shout that sent chills down my spine, and goosebumps up my arms. I frantically paced up and down the shoreline, hoping to get answers.

"Over here, I'm caught on something!"

This time, I knew who the voice was coming from. The voice sounded exactly like Colby's. Every scream became louder and clearer, allowing me to locate the source of the sound.

"Help, I'm drowning!"

Immediately, I looked towards the voice and saw Colby's hand waving out from the water. Soon, his head followed, bobbing up and down between waves. I chased towards him, causing water to splash all over as I ran through the ocean.

As I got deeper and deeper, I felt as though I had been running for yards, despite seeming like I could never get close enough. I felt like I was on a treadmill. A very wet treadmill.

As the water reached to my shoulders, I could feel the current pulling me in. I began to tread water, trying to prepare for an intense swim, as I realized he was gone.


"Colby!" I yelled, waiting for a response. The water was now very still and the waves had calmed down.


The apparition of a drowning Colby had vanished, and I was now in the deep by myself.

My anxiety began to take over my body, convincing my brain that I was in danger. I needed to get out of the water or I was going to die.

But maybe that wasn't just my anxiety...

Suddenly, a strong pair of arms began to yank my legs viciously, submerging my head completely in the cold sea. I could hear my own screams underwater as I struggled to come up for air.

In the blink of an eye, I had been snatched by whatever it was that attacked Colby. I could feel the ocean swallowing me whole, taking every last bit of oxygen from my body and torturing my lungs.

Suddenly, these arms began to shake me savagely. I could hear a lulling hush, almost as if the ocean was trying relax me in my last moments of life.

"I'm right here..."  The voice hummed.

"It's alright, you're okay." It continued to shake me.

"Baby, wake up, you're dreaming."

My body jolted up, my chest huffing for air as if I had held my breath in for the past hour.

I took a look around me, noticing the clear, light sky, and the warm sand beneath the blanket I was on. Dogs swam in the ocean I was just fighting for my life in, as their owners threw a ball in for them to go fetch. Kids packed up their beach toys as their mothers packed up their towels, and the rides on the pier were still up and running.

"You're freaking out, come here, look at me." Colby rubbed my back as I came back to earth.

"I- You were gone! And- And then you were drowning- W- We were both drowning!" I stammered, attempting to make sense of this mess.

"I was here the whole time, I never left, I promise. You were just having a bad dream, you're okay, babe." He pulled me onto his lap, comforting away my distress.

"Holy shit... How long was I out for?" I sighed in relief, waiting for my heartbeat stabilize itself.

"Maybe an hour, or so?" He rubbed circles in my back and swayed.

"What happened, tell me all about it, love." He pecked my cheek.

I tried to collect my thoughts in order to tell him all about my horrible dream. "God, what a nightmare..." I began.

"I'd say so..." Colby listened closely, ready to scare away my frightening sleepy thoughts.


I really just did y'all like that, huh?😂

Ahh chills. One of my biggest fears is being stranded in the middle of the ocean so fml.

I hope y'all loved it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2019 ⏰

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