#9 | Texting & Driving

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Heyy check the song I picked for this imagine! Enjoy!

~Your POV~

"Hey, babe. Can we switch now? I'm getting sorta tired." I yawned. We were now on our 5th hour of driving back to Los Angeles from San Francisco and we only had about 50 minutes until we reached our destination.

"Yeah, pull over and we'll switch so you can take a nap." he said, taking off his seatbelt right away. I pulled over and we switched seats. After I hopped into the passenger's seat, I turned around and checked on Sam, who was passed out on the back seat. I laughed softly and inclined my seat slightly.

"Be careful okay, Colby? The roads are still slippery from the rain." I warned.

He nodded, "Don't worry baby. Take your nap. We'll be home in less than an hour." I closed my eyes and just when I began to fall into a deep sleep, Colby's phone dinged. "My bad, I'll silence it." He grabbed his phone and put it on vibrate. I opened my eyes and saw he was reading the text he had just received. I began to feel nervous, given the weather conditions and the line of cars speeding past us.

You see, texting and driving wouldn't be such a scary thing to me if it wasn't for the traumatizing car wreck that me and Sam got into when we were younger. "Babe, can you not?" I asked Colby as he started to respond to the text.

He ignored me.

"Hey, you're driving."

"I know." he mumbled, concentrating on the text.

"Colby!" I tapped his arm.

"Whattt?" he said, a little irritated.

"Who is that?" I sat up.

"It's Reed. Chill." he said texting back, occasionally looking up at the road.

"Colby, get off your damn phone. You're driving." I firmly asked again.

"(Y/n), I do it all the time. It's a fucking highway! We're just going straight!" he said, his voice getting louder with every word.

"Colby we're in a car with my brother. If you wanna text and drive, do it by yourself! Don't kill us!" I yelled as he looked at me with a
what-the-fuck face.

"Okay. Cool. I'll keep that in mind." he said putting his phone down.

"You know what I meant, Colby."

His phone buzzed again and he immediately grabbed it. I quickly went for it too, and next thing I knew, were playing tug-of-war with his phone.

"Put it down!"

"Let go! It's my phone!" we continued yelling back and forth.

Then, Sam shouted, "GUYS! TRUCK!"

I covered my eyes with my hands as Colby's phone dropped onto his lap. I felt the car swerving to the right. I could hear Sam screaming and tires screeching on the dewy road. I could feel the car sliding around, and then there was a huge dip. Colby threw an arm over me, trying to keep me from flying into the windshield, and the other presumingly on the wheel, trying to somehow gain control of the the car.

After the dip, it was all still. In my head, I imagined:

Shattered windows, airbags out, bloody gore...

I kept thinking,

I don't want to open my eyes and see Colby and Sam dead. Mangled and cut up, bleeding everywhere...

My breathing was quick and my hands kept blocking my eyes. "Is everyone okay?" I heard Colby finally break the silence, followed by Sam's response, which immediately relieved me.

Colby took off his seatbelt and raised the arm rests. "Are you okay?! Are you hurt?!" My body shook as he took my hands away from my face and held me. "You're okay, you're okay." He repeated. I was still in shock. "I'm so fucking sorry, (y/n), I'm so sorry!" He said, kissing the top of my head.

I regained focus and pulled away. I looked at Sam. "Are YOU okay?" I asked, panicked.

He responded with, "I'm fine, calm down. Nothing happened."

Eventually, after they towed the car back on the road, we arrived home safely. We arrived at about 1 in the morning. As he and Sam brought in the last duffel bag, I said, "Listen babe, I didn't mean what I said about you texting in the car by yourself. I don't want you doing that at all. I was just pissed."

"Baby, I know. Don't worry about it. I was just being stupid." he said as he dropped off the bag on the counter. I walked towards him, wrapped my arms around his waist, and sunk my face into his chest.

"I'm so glad you okay." I said, letting go of any negative energy I was feeling towards him.

He rubbed my back and said, "Me too, angel.
If something would've happened to you, I don't know what I would've done with myself."

Yooo THIS right here is real life shit.

I thought it would be cool to include some arguments between them since real life couples fight. It's normal, my dudes.

Anywaaaays... Don't text & drive!

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