#3 | Just A Bad Dream (Colby)

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Don't forget to check out this imagine's song!

~Your POV~

I fluttered my eyes open, feeling a soft slap on my back, followed by another, and another, and another... Half asleep, I rubbed my eyes and focused them on the alarm clock on the nightstand.

2:56 am

I turned around, and tried to go back to sleep. All of a sudden, a hand landed on my face. "Oww Colby" I groaned. I sat up and turned on the lamp. Colby was tossing, turning, and drenched in sweat.

He repeated the words, "No," and "Stop." over and over again as he grabbed at the sheets.

"Colby... Babe, hey wake up." I threw the covers off him and shook him gently. He wouldn't stop. "Baby, wake up." I said a little louder, starting to worry. I began shaking him a little harder, while shouting at him to wake up.

Finally after more shaking and yelling, I get him to open his eyes. He sat up quickly, breathing hard with a panicked expression on his face. "Hey, you're okay, it was just a dream, Colby." I said, grabbing his arm and sighing in relief. He rubbed his face and and tried to catch his breath.

"That was horrible, (y/n)!" he said, still rubbing the sweat off his face.

"Here, drink some water, babe." I said as I handed him the cup of water from the nightstand.

"Thanks." he drank it all in one big gulp. He took off his shirt, noticing how sweaty he was, and tossed it on the floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked, laying back down and pulling him with me. I nestled my face in the crook of his neck, after reaching to turn the light off.

"No, honestly. I had the worst dream ever. It was terrible." Colby said, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"What happened?" I asked leaving a soft kiss on his neck.

He sighed, "Sam and I were just walking on Hollywood Boulevard, and all of  a sudden, a blacked out Lamborghini drove by us and started shooting..." 

I gasped and he swallowed.

"And then, next thing I knew, Sam was on the ground... Bleeding out... And I tried to help, I really did. But two other guys came around the corner and jumped me, and one other guy took Sam's wallet and phone." Colby's voice cracked a little bit.

"Damn..." was all I could say.

"It just felt so real... And he died and I couldn't do anything about it, you know? It- it was scary." he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Hey, it's okay, baby. Sam's fine, I promise. He's right next door, sleeping. You can go check on him if you want." I said sitting up.

Colby nodded. He got up quickly and went over to Sam's door, quietly opening it enough so he could poke his head in. It was so touching to see how worried he was about his best friend. He smiled at the sight of Sam, safely in bed. He walked back to the room and flopped onto the bed, landing beside me. He sighed in relief and pulled me close to him.

"Better?" I laid my head on his chest.

"Better." He kissed my forehead.

Awwwwww guys! ^.^
This made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside lmao

Sam & Colby = freaking friendship goals

Anyway, let me know what y'all wanna read next!❤️


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