#31 | Bad Boy Meets Shy Girl

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This was requested by tokyoghoullover191 !

Love you all!🖤

{Your POV}

"Get the fuck out of my way, freak!" Britney ran into me, making everything in my hands fall to the floor.

Britney was the most popular cheerleader at Eastwood High. The typical air-headed, stereotype cheerleader. Seriously, she practically lived in that cheer uniform. Honestly, all she had going for her was her position as cheer captain, her looks, and her football star of a boyfriend, Jake. At least I actually have a brain. She needs to get a brain, or at least use the one she might have.

"Jesus, Janie! Look at you! You and your stupid band obsession." She said, referring to my MCR t-shirt. She scoffed and walked away, as if humiliating me in front of everyone in the hallway wasn't satisfying enough.

I rolled my eyes. "What a bitch." I whispered to myself, extremely annoyed. I began picking up my things, when a tall shadow hung over me. I looked up, and surprisingly, it was Colby.

The one and only, Colby Brock.

He was one of them.

Amongst Britney and Jake, were Colby, his friends Sam, Katrina, Brennen, Maggie, etc...
Basically, they weren't the type you'd want to mess with.

"I wouldn't worry about her." Colby said, squatting down to help me gather my things. "She's just a princess bitch who thinks she owns the school. But don't worry, after high school, life will hit her hard for ya."

"Thanks..." I said, quietly and confused.
Did he just call her a princess bitch? I begged myself not to say anything stupid. Sometimes my shyness came across as awkward, and the last thing I needed was to be humiliated by another person.

Especially him.

"Yeah, no problem. Sorry about her, by the way. She's just pissed she got caught flirting with some dude this morning." He said, holding his hand out to pull me up. I just looked at it, confused.

I had tutored him on a couple occasions, but I doubt he'd even care to remember my name. Besides, why would a popular guy like him be talking to such a shy girl like me? I felt like I was in a parallel universe.

"Let me help you." He said, looking me in the eyes. I took his hand and he pulled me up. He quickly looked away, moving the hair out of his eyes.

"Thanks... Again." I smiled, still slightly confused.

"I feel bad for whoever else crosses her path today." He said, rolling his eyes.

I stared down at the floor, wondering why he was still here talking to me. There were over 800 students at Eastwood High and he could have been talking to any of them. But here he was, talking to me as if we were friends. Was this even real? What if they were just planning some sick joke on me, or planning on humiliating me even more?

"I'm sorry, you must be dying to get back to your friends. Thanks for the help and the pep talk, but I don't wanna take up any more of your time." I started to turn, but felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Wait." He looked at me, narrowing his eyes. "That was a little mean..."

I sighed, "Colby, just go. You have a reputation to maintain here at Eastwood."

I realized how rude I sounded, but honestly, thats just how things were. The underdogs were not to be talked to or acknowledged, because God forbid a popular person comes in contact with a nobody. Everyone knew it was true.

Colby even knew it was true.

He ran a hand through his hair nodding. "You know, I fucking hate that. I hate the fact that high school revolves around the popularity, and the parties, and the stupid reputations."

I bit my bottom lip, nervously. "I'm sorry. I was kinda blunt."

"No, really, you're right. It's true and everyone knows it. Some people are just more honest about it than others." He looked at his shoes and put his hands in his pockets. "I don't wanna do it anymore. I just wanna be Colby. Not just some douchebag everyone at school knows about."

I was speechless. All I could do was nod.

"I'm sorry, I guess I just forgot what talking to a real person felt like." He said, looking in my eyes.

"Do it." I spoke, looking up at him.


"Do it. Be Colby." I said, a smile creeping on my face.

He grinned, "You're so right." Excitedly, he pulled me into a hug.

Suddenly, Britney ran down the halls, screaming at her phone. "I was not flirting with Todd! Besides, he came onto me!... Jake! Jake? Did you fucking hang up on me?"

"Yikes." I said, pulling away.

She groaned, stomping her feet. "What are you looking at, freak?" She said, looking right at me. "And what do you think you're doing? He's not interested in losers like you, so don't even think about it. Come on, Colbs." She grabbed his arm and started pulling him with her.

"Get off, Britney. Leave her alone, would you?" He yanked his arm out of her grip. "She's not doing anything to you, alright? So just lay off her."

She gasped, "You? And Janie? Friends? That's disgusting, Colby."

"Actually, it's you who disgusts me. You know, just because she's not shallow and superficial like you, it doesn't mean that she's a loser. It just means she's real. Something you wouldn't understand even if it hit you in the face. She's not weird, she's just different. And that to me is pretty fucking cool. You can walk away now, thanks." He waved her off.

Both mine and Britney's jaws dropped. She walked away, as if she were trying to put together everything that Colby had just said.

"Wow. No one has ever stood up for me like that. Thanks, Colby!" I hugged him, tightly. He spun me around once, and I could feel a big smile on his face.

"You deserve that and so much more." He smiled, putting me down as the last bell rang.

He started to walk away, towards the parking lot. About halfway out the door, he turned around and said, "Aren't you coming with me?"

I smiled, and ran out with him. This would mark the first day of the rest of our lives.

Ah, high school. Isn't it just great.😂

👉🏻And y'all, remember, if you're having a hard time at school, just remember...
After high school is over, none of it will matter. All those people who made you feel worthless... All they'll have left after graduation is memories of their glorious popularity days. After high school, NONE OF IT WILL MATTER.👈🏻

Anyway, hope you liked it, tokyoghoullover191 !

Stay beautiful. Stay strong.

Onward & Upward!💙


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